I need to find a hyperactive team

Level 2
Hello, Teams
If your team needs someone to make more than 1000 trophies per day, I could help us.
But I need a winning team or with a chance to win this season, in short a hyperactive team that is organized and everyone collaborates daily.
We will let you down.
Forgive me, you used a translator, and I have not checked the message well before sending it.
And I did not know that you could edit the message until a day passes.
I could help us, I wanted to say.
And the most important thing is that I will NOT let you down.
Sorry for the mistakes, and thanks again!
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Hi Maderensto,
Come join Team Britain. We are in 5th place and have six places to fill and then we go for the top 3. Search Team Britain.
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It seems your team is full.
Anyway, thank you very much for warning.
I will keep waiting, I still hope to get into a good team.
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Now there is a free space to enter, but I need to wait 9 hours before I can join a team. I imagine that by then there will be no place on the team.
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I have cleared six spaces because players have decided not to play this season. Have a try in nine hours.
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How many trophies separate you from the team that goes first?
I just want to see if it is feasible to win the season with your team.
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We are 12k trophies behind 3rd place. Our aim this season is to finish 2nd or 3rd. The 1st place team are 30k ahead.
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I am very competitive, and I would like to be in 1st position.
I see that you have good members on your team.
Making an effort together, in 2 days you could be in the first position.
But you would have to explain the plan to your team members.
Anyway, if you decide that you have to go all out, I'll join your team. But if you just settle for third place, I'll look at other options.
Thank you for answering me, and for your time.
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We are competitive too whilst having fun. The offer is there to join us and let's see if we can catch the leaders.
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Did someone say competitive, Well Our Teams extreme Competitive, We’ve maintained a win streak the last 3 seasons we’d love to have you apart of the
“Aus Track Stars”
My discord’s Spiroku#7252
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