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I need to find a hyperactive team
Hi pvara07,
You might be in luck. We have a player who has been inactive for two days. As I said above our team has fun and the only rule is to stay active. I'm not on discord though. I could ask my team mates if they are . Stay in touch in the community and I will have a spot for you in 40 hours.
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Hi Vara07,
What time can you join a new team? I have one inactive player so we have a place available. Let me know. We are in 1st place .
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Yo wanna join my team
team name is maiunogioia
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@Maderensto Hello and welcome to the King Community!
If you are looking for a hyperactive Crash OTR team, I recommend going here:
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I want join you team
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We are looking for motivated and active players!
U and EVRY1 is welcome !!
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