🆎 Official Announcement regarding AlphaBetty Saga’s Development
Gutted!! Absolutely gutted!!! Can’t we start a petition to keep it. Sorry if someone’s suggested that already I can’t read all 14000 plus comments - thanks 😊
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Alphabetty Saga is not the only King game that will end soon. I noticed another game, that a friend mentioned me, I forgot the name. Despite all the complaints I read here there isn't suggested an option how we can keep playing the game, if that option is available.
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when someone is stuck on a level I like to offer help and ideas
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here are some ideas for saving the game ... it may be too late but we can try
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let's look at the money angle
if king was making enough money from ABS it would not go away(this is speculation)
perhaps there is a monetary amount that would save the game ... we can ask
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how could we raise money? ... some ideas
- go fund me
- find a generous rich person(sport's star???) who loves ABS
- get a corporation to sponsor the game
- find a way for ads to pay for the game
- maybe candy crush could support ABS
- post more ideas here
🍮 🍮
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I'm very interested, following!
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Hello, we are very sad to hear that Alphabetty is going offline in December 2021. Please reconsider, Alphabetty is a wonderful learning tool for children who are learning to spell. If it is no longer profitable, why not run a sale? Or move the hosting server to a cheaper site. Again, please reconsider taking Alphabetty down. The hard of learning and the children ask that you keep Alphabetty up and running.
Thank You
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They should assign the Alphabbety Saga code to educational and rehabilitation organizations for people with cognitive problems. It is seen that it is a very useful tool and it will be a great loss for many. Not everything should go through the monetary.
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@The_Chays said:
>As for Battlexic, no I have not tried it because I do not wish to battle random players in a game. My husband and I sit together and solve, and we are old and making dinner at the same time we play and we just prefer it that way.
You don't have to play random players! You can play against each other. Also, now Battlexic lets you play against bots, so there is no need to wait for the opponent to move! Three difficulty levels are available:
The game mechanics are the same as in Alphabetty Saga, but in addition there is strategy and competition involved.
Search for Battlexic in App Store or Google Play!
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I too have multiple sclerosis and this game has truly become therapeutic in so many ways. I wish there was another game like this.
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Oh no🥺😫. This is the only game I've continued playing. It's my wake up, lunchtime, bedtime game. It helps keep my mind alert and my nerves calmed. At 65 years of age it's the only game I can find that is enjoyable and beneficial. I've played it for years and it has been an everyday routine that I'll tremendously miss. So it's with a sad heart that I say thank you and farewell.
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Yep! It's sad news as this game will be shut down on 15th December 2021. Very sorry! 😔
Anyway, thank you for your playing Alphabetty Saga so much! ❤️😊
But don't worry! You can trying to select another one active King Game will you like playing here? 😉
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Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊
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