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Wanna Be Part of The Ring Dingers?

Disguire Posts: 119

Guild Name: The Ring Dingers (named after my favourite Crash Bash level)

Guild ID: 939617588

I am the previous highest scoring member of the 5 time first place guild Slothrun.

I know there are heaps of teams out there but consider joining my new guild. I made one after the leader position wouldn't switch over to an active member after the leader was innactive for a season and a half and have done so so that the members from my previous guild who wanted to come with me could. So in the sense I am more interested in recruiting than joining another persons guild.

@Diamond Lim I don't know if you tag in posts like these so feel free to ignore this post. But I had some members leave before I could tell them the name of the new guild so maybe if you tag everyone by chance they may be on the tagging list and that would be super helpful 😊



Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?