Wanna Be Part of The Ring Dingers?
You know what? I would like to join the team. I have some free time to spend here and there
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@alezio Nice! Guild ID: 939617588
The team is currently full but there are some people not doing anything so I'm happy to kick one to make room for you (although we are currently 1st by a long way so people are joining like crazy whenever we have a spot).
So we might have to coordinate this - if you tell me a time and your timezone when you will be on then I can be on at the same time and keep kicking the person who joins until I finally get you in the team. Are you called alezio in the game too?
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Yes, my in-game name is also alezio. My timezone is GMT +2 (Greece), but you can tell me anytime during the day and sometimes during the night
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Ok, but i am on right now if you want
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I just did thank you. One question though. Does it show my trophies or not?
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I can't see you on the team list yet so Crash On The Run! Might just be running a bit slow and might show you as a team member to me soon at some point
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Oh wait, I see you now - it says you have 0 trophies (which usually happens when you change teams)
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Looks like our team is playing you guys this week ๐.
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