Why why why alphabetty is discontinued?!
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Level 2
Alphabetty is discontinued now we cant play the game anymore ? So sad...!
Best Answers
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Yep, it's sad news as this game shut down on 15th December 2021. Very sad.
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Yes, of course. You can still play this game.
People no longer get credit for playing this game.
Our mod said...
some players can still play alphabetty ... here is some current behavior(December 27, 2021)
- if you improve a score for a level you may see your new score along with the scores that other players had on December 15 2021
- if you pass a new level ... you may see your score ... however, the scores for other players may not be there
- lives can no longer be sent
- crowns and boosters can be played ... lives can be retrieved
- purchasing gold bars was deactivated in October 2021
- the daily counter will no longer update
- alphabetty no longer connects to facebook
- when trying to connect to the store you may see the message "Connection Lost"
- when trying to connect buy extra moves you may see the message "Connection Lost"
your results may vary
eventually ... no one will be able to play alphabetty
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ABS was already discontinued on Facebook 1 year before the discontinuation of the game itself.
Find the info below
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NOTE: Whatever is past level 920, level 920 is the final level and there are no more levels.
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If you want tips for more than 750 levels click here:
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You can also check ABS Help center till January 15th .
The Community for the game is closing soon too.
You can find all the information below:
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Yep, it's sad news as this game shut down on 15th December 2021. Very sad.
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Really? Oh dear, that is very sad news. Can you tell me more? Will people still play this game?
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Yes, of course. You can still play this game.
People no longer get credit for playing this game.
Our mod said...
some players can still play alphabetty ... here is some current behavior(December 27, 2021)
- if you improve a score for a level you may see your new score along with the scores that other players had on December 15 2021
- if you pass a new level ... you may see your score ... however, the scores for other players may not be there
- lives can no longer be sent
- crowns and boosters can be played ... lives can be retrieved
- purchasing gold bars was deactivated in October 2021
- the daily counter will no longer update
- alphabetty no longer connects to facebook
- when trying to connect to the store you may see the message "Connection Lost"
- when trying to connect buy extra moves you may see the message "Connection Lost"
your results may vary
eventually ... no one will be able to play alphabetty
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ABS was already discontinued on Facebook 1 year before the discontinuation of the game itself.
Find the info below
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NOTE: Whatever is past level 920, level 920 is the final level and there are no more levels.
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If you want tips for more than 750 levels click here:
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You can also check ABS Help center till January 15th .
The Community for the game is closing soon too.
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