What's past level 920?
Hi @Ilovethisgame21 !
Your game has now been reset. Please remember to reinstall the app before you open the game the next time on your mobile device.
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Can you please reset me to level 1?
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Hi @lcblk27 and welcome to our Community!
Your game has now been reset. Please remember to reinstall the app before you open the game the next time on your mobile device.
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Can we have more levels please? I have replayed the whole game for 3 stars and restarted on another device
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hi @Cw1310
congrats on getting 3 stars on every level
you may find some new challenges now that you have restarted
levels 115 & 142 are tough when going for 3 stars without barney ... 167 may be a challenge too
most likely you will find most levels much easier this time around ... many levels have had moves added ... your skills have improved over time making the game much easier too
levels 512 568 600 622 are still tough when going for 3 stars
enjoy your restart ... it has been over 2 years since new levels were last released ... enjoy the 920 levels we can still play
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I would like to replay the game from level 1.
Thank you.
ID 7433141129
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Hi @amski310 !
Your game is now reset. Remember to reinstall the app before you open the game the next time!
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Please reset my account to level 1. Account number 1343528088. Thank you! And please beg the developers to add more levels.
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welcome to the community
@Crazy Cat Lad is able to reset accounts ... he is available most weekdays from Europe
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Hi @jetsetbarbie and welcome to our Community!
Your game is now reset to level 1. Remember to reinstall the app before you open the game the next time.
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