What's past level 920?
Crazy cat lad could you please reset my game to level 1 my user Id is 47307436820
Hi QueenB!mimiMarlene here! I would like you to reset my game to new game level 1. I see you reset my game, but not to level 1. I love playing this game and I’ve already played thru twice to the end. Just want to start over again to better my scores! 🐭❤️1
Still waiting for my game to be reset to the beginning please can you help I'm missing playing it @ crazy cat lad I've already given my user Id number.. Thank you 😊0
I moved your threads to this post that is in the same topic.
I have reset your your game to level 1 now.
Please clear cache and cookies on your browser before opening the game if you play on Facebook.
If you lay on mobile, please reinstall the app before opening the game.
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Thank you so much!
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Would you please reset my account to level 1. User I'd 10153611284298268
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Hi @slskiba and welcome to the Community!
I have reset the game now for you. Please reinstall the app before opening it to start over from level 1.
Have a Mice day!
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I would like my game reset to level 1 as well.
ID: 1732092315
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I’ve been a player for over 4 years but today is my first day to the community. Hello everyone!
This discussion has been closed.
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