What's past level 920?
Please reset my game back to level 1, thanks.
ID 2145890465
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Hi @paul1234 !
I have reset your game now to level 1.
Please clear cache and cookies on your browser and also reinstall the app on mobile before opening the game.
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How do I clear cache and cookies?
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Walk me through how I get to level 921 PLEASE !!! How do I find my ID number? Is this the first step?
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@paul1234 Depends on what browser you use. Please google the browser name followed by "how to clear cache and cookies". Or visit the Support pages of your browser.
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Please restart my game again. ***
(EDITED by CM - Personal information)
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Please restart my game. Alphabety saga
(EDITED by CM - Personal information)
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hi @gaylemathias @Lola_Pop @QueenB
adjustments to accounts are made on weekdays
please provide your game ID
@Crazy Cat Lad has provided more info ---> here
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Hi @gaylemathias !
Please post your Game ID as per the instructions on the first page of the thread so I can help you out with resetting the game.
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