What's past level 920?
Hi @KTina and welcome to the Community!
I have reset the game to level 1 now. Please reinstall the app before opening the game to start over again.
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Please reset my game to level one ID# 1151285954
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Hi @lisaramos!
I have reset the game now. Please reinstall the app and you should be able to start all over again.
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Please reset Alpha Betty. Id 1029490021.
Thank You
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Hi @Jax315 !
I have reset your your game to level 1.
Please clear cache and cookies on your browser before opening the game if you play on Facebook and on mobile, reinstall the app before opening the game.
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Please restart my game 1114387241
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ID 1000664050
I would like to restart at level 1
please reset my ALPHABETTY game to level 1 please.
my ID 1000664050
Thank you
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Hi @traceyhasfun @louisfrancois22 I have now reset your games back to level 1.
On Facebook, please clear the cache and cookies before opening the game.
If you also play on mobile, then reinstall the app before you play the next time.
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Please reset to the first level for me.
FB ID# 1005387316
thank you
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Hi @lovesongangel !
Your game has now been reset.
Remember to clear the cache and cookies before opening the game.
- All Categories
- 180 General
- 421 Conversations Migration (to be deleted?)
- 8.3K Community Hub
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- 5.7K Bubble Witch Saga
- 654 Bubble Witch 2
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- 6.1K Candy Crush Jelly Saga
- 30.3K Candy Crush Soda Saga
- 90 Candy Crush Solitaire
- 1.6K Diamond Diaries Saga
- 10.4K Farm Heroes Saga
- 1.8K Farm Heroes Super Saga
- 8.6K Pet Rescue Saga
- 1.9K Pyramid Solitaire Saga