Level 8 Pearl - impossible??
My level 8 looks like this. I’m good at this game and I’ve played this level TONS. TOOONNNSSS. and NEVER come close to beating it. What’s the strategy or is it there just to tick us off?
Companion Rewards
So I constantly have an alert to redeem my companion rewards but as you can see the companions to to be redeemed are question marks with no know level. It’s been this way for awhile. Has this issue been resolved? Will I ever receive those rewards?
Bonnies booster keeps reverting to the beginning
I’m really getting fed up of Bonnies boosters resetting to the beginning. I use all my tools to boost to the highest silver Bonnie and then when there are still meant to be over 100 hours left to use her powers they disappear. I’m left with with a really bad game having used everything I’d saved up to get her fully loaded.…
2586 impossible?
I must have played 2586 about a hundred times now. One time under 70%,normaly I end up between 80-90%. Is it really possible to pass this level?
Error at Level 1675
I'm currently in level 1675 and in my opinion, this level can not be solved.
It also looked different before the update.
Level 2603!
Has anyone been able to pass level 2603?
(Unsupported Language) D Cuéllar
Hola, tengo un problema con el juego. No puedo desbloquear los últimos Compañeros de Farm Club, me aparece con signo de interrogación? ¿Cómo hago para desbloquear? A parte de eso desde que actualice el juego, ya no me aparece *Eventos* ??? Pueden ayudarme, por favor.???? Gracias
Level 2577
This is just mathematically impossible, even from laptop version! 15 moves to open 21 flowers and collect cropsies. Can you review this level asap?!? thanks
Why can’t I click on the next level? 866.
Honeypot prizes
Is anyone’s game freezing on the honeypot prizes like mine? My team won the the second prize, the lid pops off and then nothing. I can’t exit out of the pop up. I’ve exited and restarted the game multiple times but I don’t want to uninstall and reinstall because then I’ll lose all my extras again.