Level 2555
The bones.. I spare never more than 100 bones. How doe you collect 250 without a lot of boosters?
(Unsupported Language) Lv 2585 ... question
Bonsoir! est ce normal de ne pas avoir droit au booster pour ce lv? Sans ça va être compliqué avec 15 mouvements pour 2 araignées, nos petites fleurs au nombre de 8 et un nombre épouvantable de soleil et de fraises ^^ merci d'avance pour votre réponse! (Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)
2571 Farm Heroes Saga Rancid
If anyone has completed this game, without paying, I'd appreciate some hints and tips. I've no idea how to tackle it, the most points I've achieved is 50, and that was mainly by whacking them with my *6 spades :o * PS. Just in case you hadn't realised, if you are quick on the draw you can ask for 3, then 3 again, I once…
Failure to recharge the tools and daily prizes
Hello, I have a problem with my account. After the upgrade of the new format, I do not receive any tools, the tools are not recharged during the mentioned time, and the daily prizes are lost after I close the game.jul
Daily rewards!
Grrr! Second time typing this! Why do you bother giving daily rewards for playing daily when you don't give them correctly?? I was at the very last big basket award, went in several times today, saw that was the next one and apparently it wasn't time to get it yet. Well I went in again today after 45 minutes or so and it…
daily reward
I am not a fan of the new format or daily rewards.
darrian n chris
Why can't I find my wife on here
New prices
Since this company has decided to double the prices they charge to help us with the game and they have changed the entire site, which is not as easy to negotiate. I will not support this game, the new prices are just plain greed !!
Can someone explain this?
So I have been going through old levels to get 3 on all of them, and this is this only level that won't show the full 3 start (1086). I have contacted the relevant people on this site to see what the issue is, and they said it was a graphic glitch. They did inform me it would be fixed in the next update, but I have just…
(Unsupported Language) Vulika
Amióta újitás történt sajnos két napja nem tudok játszani A 804 pályánál járok és mikor elkezdek játszani ahogy kiszabadul az első hálóból a pok és ugrik a következőre állandóan kiirja hogy hiba történt és nem lehet tovább játszani csak az a baj hogy így az összes élet elmegy a semmibe