I'am not english. Not fun this... Not aktualization...
creo que el juego esta muy bien como esta , tiene suficientes bloqueadores como para no tener que agregar mas .
taking 9 gold bars
I posted this already...but cant find the thread now. I really object to the speed that 9 bars are taken when I touch the button BY MISTAKE...but what I object to more is the fact that I didn't get the 5 goes...the game collapsed straight away...a total steal!!
Stuck on Level 2484
Who can help me? Its a mission impossible with 3 sheeps. I play FHS on the PC. Thank you
Getting the coming soon off of my phone I have updated
Hello can someone please tell me how do I get this coming soon off of my phone and computer and move on to 2591 can someone please tell me how to do that
Fruit garden hugging and watering Sancho
I Feel i'm wasting time and beans with the new Event. Watering will cost up to 4000(!) beans each Time in the last episode. Finishing will cost me about 70.000 beans, prizes until now were not interesting. Prize for last episode were 2 * 5 extra Moves for 12.000 beans. That's Not Worth the effort. Skip it.
How could I find my member ID???
=) and passing levels without Any special GOODIES on the level I'm on is impossible! Thanks much appreciated.
How to use Boosters with latest update.
How do I use the boosters where I want, NOT where they think I should use them?
(Unsupported language) le jeu est bloquer depuis 4 jours
impossible de jouer a la ferme. jeu bloqué
Cropsie garden Grove awards
I've completed special event twice but the final reward box is not opening and bonus /boosters/beans haven't been added.