i cant enter the game after the last update...i restart my device..but same thing...please help
i cant enter the game after the last update...i restart my device..but same thing...please help..
I lost my progress. I was at level 793 and suddenly i had to start at level 1.
Something went wrong when i changed my ipad. Al of a sudden i lost my progress. I was at level 793 and had to start again at level 1. When i play on facebook (with safari or firefox) on a pc, i'm still at my level 793. Could you tell me what is the problem? I looks like i'm logged in with a different account on my ipad and…
Farm heroes
Hi, I have a problem with Farm Heroes. I can't enter, it crushes immediately. Can you help me?
I lost ALL my farm Heroes Saga's boosters
I lost ALL my farm Heroes Saga's boosters. I'don´t have an idea why, I was played as usually. Please help me!!!
Farm hero saga mini games
I can play Farm hero saga with no problems, however soon as I click on any of the mini games that feature on Farm hero saga my ipad mini crashes, goes back to my homw screen closing the ap completely. I have tried deleting the game and reloading it, I have checked for up any updates that may be due and rebooted my ipad but…
on level 1282 i ave the right companion for 90 beans its meant to give me apples its not
the amount of 275 for level 1282 is way to high i will never get this with the amount of 14 goes been trying for ages even tools cant help on this one cause not enough left on board to make up the number facebook id user 1301698097
Can KING games run without Wifi?
So, for Christmas, I bought my grandparents a Kindle Fire, and now I am downloading all of the games that they will be able to figure out (Candy Crush, Farm Hero, Blossom Blast, Pet Rescue). They do not have access to Wifi where they live. All of the games are already installed on the Kindle, but will they be able to play…
I've lost my in farm hero saga progress
ive been playing farm hero saga for ages and I believe I was on level 675 and today when it tried to play it it has gone right to the beginning. Why? And how do I get it back?
Loosing beans
Ok so I am asking for my mom she keeps loosing beans I just started the game did not hit any level she had 989 beans then it went down to 250 with out hitting any thing and this does this all the time every day it's to the point where she will win levels get a good amount of beans saved up then play another game goes back…
Why am I sent back to the loading screen when I try to play treasure mill? Restarting no help.
When I click on treasure mill, sent back to loading screen with one life less. Software is up to date and restarting my device does not help.