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Farm Heroes Saga game looks different on Facebook? NEW HTML5 version!



  • Omega1
    Omega1 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    new layout sucks, not loading and cant play
  • gmomaae
    gmomaae Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Played last night and tonight every thing has changed in appearance. I do not like the new format at all. Everything is smaller,  tools were better to see and access when they were at the top, now they are are the side. Even the sound effects are more annoying,
  • rfjh5
    rfjh5 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    After waiting the customary 2 days to get to the next level (I'm on around level 1600) it finally loaded after WAITING about HALF AN HOUR  just to find all my beans have gone and the game looks like something out of kindergarten!! I feel totally ripped off by King!!! I'd bought Gold bars to play a game that now doesn't load properly, and looks nothing like the game I was happy enough playing. How can anyone now play this with the current broadband speeds in the UK?  & WHERE DID MY BEANS GO??? Guess my farm days are over
  • terriorban
    terriorban Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Don't like the new interface. Too much going on.. Like the old one better. 
  • peteri
    peteri Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Agree with all the above. Takes longer to load, images are fuzzy, can't decide who to send lives to and once loaded, cannot get in to play the game. Not much point if you can't play. :(

  • Pat77
    Pat77 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I hate the new look as well. You can't get in to play the game.  Well I thought I was spending too much time playing, I guess this will end that.
  • annieoak
    annieoak Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Why has the game been changed. Can no longer play. Bring back the original game please.

  • I've had another try this morning, and there are a few more glitches I hadn't already noticed, along with the irritating chick.

    You can't get Rancid's key to get past a roadblock, I only have one friend on this game so it's either pay or wait.

    The 'special offer' boxes/ads just don't want to close, so if I wanted to maybe go back and play an old game I can't.

    I liked the game because it was slow, not flashy and demanding, now I get totally distracted by all the flashing graphics.

    On the old version, if I was quick, I could buy 6 shovels, not any more. And the issue with using the shovels, tick, is so annoying.

    @Chicken_Slayer you are so correct about the mobile version, I sometimes played it on my Kindle, usually on the bus, but knew there was no way I could play that version on my PC.

    I know King are trying their best to get around the Flash problem for us, but this version is going to cause a lot of people to abandon it, which is a shame.
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776

    We understand you've been a long time Facebook player and just noticed the changes. This is because Flash is on it's way out and Chrome has just released a new version where we manually have to enable Flash. 

    At King we want to provide the best gaming experience so we need to follow the changes and make sure you can keep playing our games without going to too much trouble so HTML5 is the answer.

    Almost all of King games have been running on HTML5 now but Farm was a little behind so we're currently testing how this works so we can make improvements.

    Changes are inevitable so give it some time and you'll get used to this new feature in no time 😉

  • DeniseO
    DeniseO Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I hate the new layout and format. Too small to read. Too bouncy. Too much animation. Takes too long to load. I will definitely be cutting back on my playing time, if I have to deal with this layout.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?