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🚫 Boosters not getting recharged on Facebook!

boxermad2 Posts: 27

Level 3

edited March 2022 in Support

hi have said before about still getting tutorials everytime i log in been gooing on for a year now! and my boosters only last for 1 day so i cant even build them up! and now what little of the boosters i had have now gone!!!! very, very annoying am really fed up now can you please sort this? i am level 1791 as well

Best Answers

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Answer ✓

    Hello @BetLom 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our lovely Farm King Community!

    I am sorry to hear that you are having issue with the boosters in your game! We have a thread about the same issue, where few more Farmers have complained about it!! Here it is for your reference --> Boosters lasts only for 1 day

    Our Farm In-charge has send this complaint to the Farm Studio. Unfortunately, they could not reproduce the issue, which makes it hard for them to find & fix the issue 😕

    But, they have informed our Farm In-charge to inform the players to change the browser they are using and see if that works (Example - Edge OR Fire Fox, etc., If the different browser also giving issues, then the best remedy would be download the game through Microsoft Store and play the App version.

    Can you please try either of these and let me know if the situation improves? You can post your reply by typing in the blank box given below to my comment.

    Talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic rest of the weekend 🍒 🍒

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
    Answer ✓

    @nightengale0819 Apologies for missing your comment but I bring news regarding this issue!

    The fact that some of you Farmers are having issues with boosters not getting recharged has been passed on to the Studio and they are currently looking into this.

    We have not been successful yet in reproducing the issue so we will keep you update in this thread once we know more.

    At the moment we can offer the following options to play the game:

    If you have W10, install the game app from Microsoft App Store HERE, connect the game to your Facebook account and continue where you left off.

    Try a different browser! I know, some of you are not able to but Chrome, since it is the browser some of you are having this issue with so perhaps clearing the cache, could also help.

    Play on a mobile device if possible. Just remember to connect the game to your Facebook account and continue where you left off.

    Hope there is an option here that works for you while the studio looks into this and we'll update you all once we know more.

    Thanks for your patience 🤗



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited February 2022

    Hello @boxermad2 🤗 Hearty Welcome back to our lovely Farm King Community!

    I am sorry to hear about the issues in your game!

    I just looked your previous question, which you have posted last year! The issue with “constant tutorials” was resolved that time. But, it has popped up again with the latest update 5.73.

    That version brought out so many glitches - some players lost their level progress, some lost their boosters, some lost both, and the Quests keep disappearing, tutorials started popping up as if we are new players… these are the known glitches!

    I am happy to tell you that the Farm Studio was finally able to fix the “lost progress and boosters” issue last week. I am hoping that the other issues will be resolved soon. So, you will not be seeing those tutorials (hopefully, soon) 🤞

    ** With regards to the “tutorials” — When we are playing on computer (through Facebook or, it is one annoying feature we see when we start the game every day! But, I am glad that that tutorial does not pop-up for each level 😶. Unfortunately, it is not being looked at, as it is not in their priority list 🙃

    And with regards to the boosters lasting one day — they will have to research more into it and find out what’s going on 🤔 🤔

    Are you still playing on your laptop OR on a mobile device? And, are you logged in to the game through Facebook OR on

    Can you please give me your game ID number? If you do not know how to look for it, please let me know.

    Looking forward to talk to you soon. Have a lovely rest of the weekend 🐥🐥

  • boxermad2
    boxermad2 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    hi thank you for reply my boosters are back, hopefully they will last more than 1 day but for now just glad to have them, i play on laptop through facebook, have tried to find player id as in the 3 lines at bottom of screen but nothing there? have a great weekend x

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited February 2022

    Hello dear @boxermad2 🙋

    Please see below image to look for your ID. We can find it when we are on game Map screen or even when a level is open.

    This is where you will find your ID number while playing on Facebook 👇️

  • boxermad2
    boxermad2 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    hi thank you! was able to find it my id is 1001235248

  • ShellyG
    ShellyG Posts: 20

    Level 3

    edited February 2022

    It's been 3 days now and I have no boosters, we always got boosters everyday and since the upgrade there is none. Anyone else have this issue? I'm using a desktop!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    Hi @ShellyG are you playing through Facebook or the Kingdom?

    As far as I know there hasn't been any issues with them. Do you mean the daily bonus or the boosters recharging?

    Do you have access to windows 10? As you can download the app onto that and play without the browser and its usually more reliable 🙂

  • ShellyG
    ShellyG Posts: 20

    Level 3

    @Lady_Choo Boosters aka shovel, tractor etc... they are not recharging, and I'm playing though Facebook, they haven't recharged in 3 days. I'm running Windows 11

  • ShellyG
    ShellyG Posts: 20

    Level 3

    If I download the app, I lose all my progress that I have on Facebook 😪

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    The rechargeable ones only charge if you have none, have you got any saved? As regards the app, No you won't lose progress 🙂 that's how I play, you log into Facebook when you open the app and all progress is there. The only thing that won't be is your boosters BUT we have access to events that you cannot get to play through Facebook itself and so they build up quicker 😁

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777

    Hi there 😀

    I see our lovely Game Moderator @PummyRaj has been taking good care of you but just wanted to check if your boosters are still in your game and have not vanished again.

    By the way, do you happen to have Windows 10 on your PC? The reason I ask is that you will have a better experience playing through the app from Microsoft Store and also have access to more features wich are not on the Facebook version.

    Let. us know if it sounds interesting and if you need our help 😀

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?