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All boosters are locked! By (CM: Reported to the Studio 🛠⚙)



  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Don't worry! How about you can see these solutions by Pummy Raj the Superstar that I hope it's solved :

    We have only 2 options to unlock the boosters...

    1) Re-play the levels where we have initially unlocked the Boosters -- this does not work for all the players

    2) Reinstall the game, if replaying levels does not work.

    1) These are the levels we need to reply we have unlocked the boosters

    Level # 5 ---> to unlock Shovel;

    Level # 8 ---> to unlock Tractor Booster;

    Level # 13 ---> to unlock +1 Bonus;

    Level # 23 ---> for Hunter (the single colored Cropsie collector);

    Level # 31 & Level # 72 ---> for rest of the two boosters;

    2) Please re-play these levels and see if those boosters get unlocked. If they don't, the only remedy we have left is to reinstall our game. But, please be aware that, there is a chance of losing those saved boosters. But, since they are locked, I am not sure if they will be saved or lost!

    If you have any questions on this game, like Glenn1972 has answered you to go to ask on Farm Heroes Community. 😉

    🔥 Hot topics here right Now 🌶

    🌟 Need Gold Bars on this game? Join Here and Here (General)! 🌟

    Have a farmtastic day! 😊

  • oscarpardos
    oscarpardos Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Muchas gracias, me ha funcionado la opción 2.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,144

    Hello @oscarpardos A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful King Community 🤗

    Very glad to know that reinstalling the game App has worked out for you and all the boosters back to help you in the game.

    Can you please clarify something for me? When you have reinstalled the game, did your boosters became 0?

  • Tdbgame
    Tdbgame Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thanks for your help!

  • oscarpardos
    oscarpardos Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited December 2020

    Hola PummyRaj, **Edit by CM: Unsupported language**

  • BubbleGumSoda
    BubbleGumSoda Posts: 4,901
    edited December 2020

    Hello welcome to the community

    What level are you on so you can unlock the boosters

    Did you try to update the game

    Did you clean Cache only

    Turn off you phone and turn on

    l hope this helps have a nice day

  • peraljane
    peraljane Posts: 0


    edited January 2021

    Howdy Y'all, I've got NO boost display or access to them on any given level I'm on. Just shows up with locks, eventhough I've accumulated them daily. ??????????

  • SBH
    SBH Posts: 69,476

    log out of your account. close applications. reopen, play without logging in. until you get all the boosters. close applications. reopen and log in to your account. Before a had two times same problem.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?