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(ENDED) 👨Celebrate Fathers day Rancid style



  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 7,280 Level 5

    Hi @Lady_Choo I found out that most of the members in our community have passed away fathers, but mine is still alive. I want to say that I really loved my father when I was young, but the deeper I loved, the deeper I hated him. When I was young, my father always didn't listen to me, we always quarreled. In the end, I hid in the room and cried. When I was young, I told myself that when I grew up, I would take good care of my father and take him on a trip abroad. Therefore, I was very angry that my father could not see my filial piety. When I grew up, the wish in my heart could not be realized when I was mentally ill and unable to work. Now, instead, I live at home and let them "raise" me. The special moment between me and my father is when I finish elementary school, my father will always sacrifice a little of his working time, riding a motorcycle to drive me home from a distant work place. I am very touched that he will come to drive me every time and never say no.

    About the Rancid level, I have no comment and I fully support idea from @Pitty_Kitty . That is, change the Rancid level from beat the Rancid to charging Rancid to collect one kind of cropsies after Rancid is fully charged.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 148,133 Candy Moderator

    Thanks @Lady_Choo

     Option 1. Happy Fathers Day. ❤

    Always remember about my father's story, we come from a simple family, my father is a hard worker to support his five children so that they live well and get a higher education. Now his five children have succeeded in obtaining higher and successful education. All of this is thanks to his father's efforts. But unfortunately, after we were successful, my father couldn't be happy with us. He passed away after seeing his last child at Graduation. I love you Dad, Thank you for all your struggles for us and sorry for not being able to make you happy.

  • Doris_Koch
    Doris_Koch Posts: 588 Level 3
    edited June 2023

    Hello @Lady_Choo

    I have decided for the #2 and tell you now a sweet story how Rancid became a father

    During a walk, where he was thinking up new mean things to do, Rancid suddenly met a beautiful raccoon girl named Ronja. They fell in love with each other and soon they were given a beautiful pair of twins. They named the boy Yang and the girl Yin. They were the cutest babies they had ever seen. And what happened to Rancid. He was suddenly the most loving and caring father imaginable. All of a sudden he was no longer malicious and deceitful but helpful and obliging and friendly to everyone. Yes, that's how being a father can suddenly change a rancid man.

  • carmenechevarria
    carmenechevarria Posts: 2,181 Pro Player 👑

    In September of last year my dad gave me away at my wedding. He looked so good in his tux and had a big smile on his face. The happiest and best day of both our lives.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,027 Level 5

    @Lady_Choo Thanks.

    The idea about the kids, I get it from your question how rancid become a parent and then the badge.


  • LaLuna03
    LaLuna03 Posts: 7,420 Level 5
    edited June 2023

    Hi @Lady_Choo

    I'll go with the option # 2

    It was on one blazing cold night last winter when Rancid was on the way to foraging, ( well, this case he was actually on the way to stealing some cropsies from Amelia's farm ). Rancid heard some crying coming from the bushes. He look there to find out what is that crying noise coming from. Astonishingly he saw 3 little litters of raccoons that were abandoned. They seems really miserably cold and hungry, probably they had been there for a whole day. W

    Without thinking twice he grab all 3 babies and head back to his nest, I know he still have a jug of milk and some apples.

    About a week from that night, Rancid been asking around if there are racoon parents that missing their child, but no one seems to missing one, so Rancid decided to adopt all the 3 babies and named them Rocky, Ricky and Ronny.

    Rancid really taking care the 3 babies as they all his own kids.

    Now all 3 kids are grown up and Rancid really proud of them as they are really love to have Rancid as their Dad.

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,646 Level 5

    Hello @Lady_Choo I pick option #1

    I have lots of memories of my father. He used to love to play pranks on us. My father used to take a empty 2 liter 7–Up bottle and fill it up half way with salt water 😖. He would put watered down black coffee in the Pepsi bottle. I can go on with all his pranks.

    My father had a green thumb and loved his house plants. When I got married and relocated to another state, my father loved to visit and plant flowers around the landscape of the house.

    Option #3

    I would like to see Rancid doing good things for us, maybe become a booster.

  • LaLuna03
    LaLuna03 Posts: 7,420 Level 5

    Hi @Lady_Choo

    First, I have a question, why everytime I edited my comment the whole my post disappeared 🤔

    Anyway, I just have to rewrite the story for option # 2 that I chose

    On one cold winter night in January Rancid was on his way to foraging some fruits or vegetables ( well... in this case he was actually trying to steal it from Amelia's farm ) when he heard the sounds of babies crying from the bushes on his path. Out his curiosity he stated searching around and shockingly found 3 litters of raccoon, and it seem to him they been left out for a whole day, they all look miserably cold, hungry and petrified. Without thinking twice Rancid grab all the babies and took them to his shack knowing for sure he still have a jug of milk and some apples left. Soon they got back to his shack they put all the babies in a warm blanket mostly made out of burlaps and chicken feathers and fed them.

    The next morning for the following week Rancid started asking around if anyone knows about missing babies, but no one seems had no clue whatsoever, so Rancid decided to adopt all the babies and named them Rocky, Ricky and Ronny.

    Now as the summer about to come and the babies start getting bigger, Rancid has to start making a plan to find a bigger nest for the whole family, so he's been thinking somewhere more closer to Candy Town where they have better food source, specially because the youngest one Ronny really loves chocolate.

    Rancid really proud taking of them as they are his own babies, and so the kids really loves him so much.

  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,046 Pro Player 👑

    I probably celebrate Father's Day with a prayer for all the fathers in the world that they will be good role models, protectors and providers of their children.

    I lost my father when I was twelve years old and my mom had a tough time taking care of us because we were so young. I was jealous of my classmates who have both their parents with them at every school events.

    My dad was pretty strict with us and he was a disciplinarian because he wanted us to grow up well in the world. He will sit with us when we were doing our homework and I think I produced the best homework assignments during the years when my dad was alive. My dad was a smart man and he knew how to handle all those tough homework assignments. I missed his guidance and his knowledge and my grades did suffer a little the first few years after he died.

    On every Father's Day, I think of my dad with a smile and I tell him he was a great dad and I hope he is proud of my accomplishments. For my dad in Heaven on Father's Day, I miss you so much not just on Father's day but everyday.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 24,800 Pet Rescue Moderator

    @Pitty_Kitty Why don't you suggest the idea in the ideas section here 😉

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