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Suport with my device!

gor Posts: 27 Level 2
edited October 2019 in Support
Hello, once again squares on the level I'm playing are blacked out. Impossible to see. Can't play the game and this happened many times before. Please help. In addition, I asked before but got no response when it came to the companion rewards. Says I have three companions earned. When I click on it the companions have all being collected. Says I have three for over a year and since then I've learned none. Please help with black squares and companions. Thank you


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,740 Candy Moderator
    Hello @gor Welcome Back to the Farm Heroes section of the King Community :) 

    1) With regards to the Companions --->  If you are wondering about the last 3 Companions that appear with Question Marks... Farm Studio team are looking into it and working towards it!  I am sure we will see those 3 (or may be more) in the future,  but not on a set date though!!  

    I guess there are lots of logistics involved -- for example, what to create, where to place them, etc.,  Many players have already passed the current last level and are in waiting room!!  So, King team have to think about all these too, right!

    I am adding a screenshot for your clarification and also to make sure that is what you are asking about!!

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,740 Candy Moderator
    edited October 2019
    Hello again @gor

    I am adding my comments separately as I do not want them to be too long as it might create confusion!!

    Yes!  You have posted the same question exactly last month and I am the one that have answered it too.  Here is that question link for your reference 

    Our game In-charge wanted your game ID number, so that, they can look into your game and help you with the issue!  But, you have not come back and posted your ID there!!  

    If you can give us your ID now, the team can look into your game!  Without your ID, they cannot do anything as there is no way to look into your game!!  Here is the link for your to find your ID   
    Also please post what device you are using to play the game and are you logged into the game through Facebook OR Kingdom account!

    Below, I am adding the screenshots which you have provided in your previous question for our team to check it out......  

    Picture 1 ---> 

     Picture - 2 --->

    Picture - 3 ---> 

    Please post back if there is anything else you would like to add to inform to the Farm Heroes game In-charge.  If you tap on "Type your Comment" box located below, you can write back :+1: 

    Talk to you soon!  Have a great week ahead!
  • gor
    gor Posts: 27 Level 2
    I first asked the question about blacked out squares. Then I asked again but sent it in the wrong Forum. I did get a reply with screenshots of my screenshot, I guess to prove I had being assisted? With that message I replied asking where the information was that they needed from me. Some type of account number? I received no reply. I still have the black squares. No reason to send back screenshot. I will kindly ask again where to find the information you need to help with my game. Thank you so much for your time
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,005 Community Manager
    Oh my, sorry I've missed this @gor!

    Can you please confirm if you're playingnonn a mobile device or on a PC? If mobile, have you tried reinstalling the game app? 

  • gor
    gor Posts: 27 Level 2
    Hello, I did send the message to Pummyraj. i told him i was working off a samsung tablet. he told me he needed some kind of id number but when i asked where i could find it i since got no reply

    for a video game there are sure a lot of questions that are needing to be answered and i feel like 'Pummy' sending back the screenshot was more proof that he had responded once then help to the customer.
    Anyway-no id & samsung tablet.
    thank you for any help u can offer
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,740 Candy Moderator
    edited October 2019
    gor said:
    I first asked the question about blacked out squares. Then I asked again but sent it in the wrong Forum. I did get a reply with screenshots of my screenshot, I guess to prove I had being assisted? With that message I replied asking where the information was that they needed from me. Some type of account number? I received no reply. I still have the black squares. No reason to send back screenshot. I will kindly ask again where to find the information you need to help with my game. Thank you so much for your time
    Hello @gor

    Very Sorry if I have confused you.  I have added the above screenshots, which you have posted in a previous question ONLY to show to our Community Team.  So that, they can check into your complaint and provide you help.  

    With regards to finding your game ID number, please follow this link 
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,005 Community Manager
    Thanks @PummyRaj and @gor, no need for the User ID for now.

    The studio has asked if you have reinstalled the game app @gor in order to fix the black graphic issue?

    It usually fixes most issues (please note that any progress on the mobile device that has not been synchronized with Facebook/King account at this stage will be lost.

    However, all the progress that is currently saved on Facebook/King account can easily be retrieved, once you have reconnected the device successfully). Regrettably, you will lose any saved boosters and messages. I would recommend using these up before re-installing, if possible.

  • gor
    gor Posts: 27 Level 2
    Yes i did that and it did not work. thank you for trying to help. i appreciate it.
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,005 Community Manager
    Sorry to hear it did not work :(

    There might be something with the device not being able to handle the graphic, we recommend trying a different device to see if the same issue persists.

    Hope you get to go back to the game soon 😕
  • gor
    gor Posts: 27 Level 2
    Thank you for that. It comes and goes. Sometimes it is good for a month and then out of the blue it stops for a day to a few weeks. . no problem. Thanks again.

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