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Problem with prizes

LucyOliviaLewis Posts: 23 Level 2

I took part in the design a character competition and came 3rd but didn't receive any prize. I have just come 1st in the harvest rush and again has received no prize!! Up until this point, I had received all prizes.. Is there a problem with my account?? Who do I contact as have had no response to last 2 messages. Thanks

Best Answer

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,096 Community Manager
    Answer โœ“
    Hi guys, sorry to hear you've had issues with the prizes but I am afraid this needs to be reported to the Player Support team here since we are unable to replace any missing items.ย 

    Please make sure you specify the feature/special event that did not pay out the rewards so Support can report this to the studio and include your User ID so they can locate your game records.ย 

    Thanks :)ย 



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