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⭐️ Win Gold Bars!! ⭐️ Find the differences! (finished)



  • maryjane117
    maryjane117 Posts: 537

    Yes, I did and very happy and grateful 😊 ty again

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,951

    Were you mentioned as a winner in that game. If so you may call the attention of the moderator by posting your comment and tag the moderator.

  • Amanda2845
    Amanda2845 Posts: 43

    Level 3

    Thank you

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    edited June 2021

    @Amanda2845 you

    You weren't a winner in that contest and I don't think you entered it.

    In order to win gold bars or obtain badges, you need to participate in the contests and other events taking place within the community. Are you on the tagging lists held by @Diamond Lim for the games you play? Please contact her if you aren't. If you are, you'll be tagged whenever there's anything relevant to your game and, if you're on the Community Hub list, you'll be tagged all the time.

    Otherwise, open your game and tap on the three bars at the top left of the page; this will give you a menu with Contests or Win Prizes or similar. Just click on that and it will take you to th e page where you can see what you can enter.

    Hope this helps - good luck!

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Hi @Amanda2845

    I've just checked; you weren't a winner in that contest and i don't think you entered it.

    Are you on @Diamond Lim's tagging list for the games you play? If you are, you will be notified whenever there are events happening where you can win badges or prizes for your game. If you haven't subscribed to the lists, you could be missing out.

    Hope this helps - good luck!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,317

    Thank you for your tagging me and helping player! @CassD 😊

    Hello there! @Amanda2845 👋

    Yes! Very sorry for your reply because this contest is really finished already. And unfortunately you are not winner on this contest. 😔

    Don't worry! You can join and answer on another general contest that you can chance to win gold bars to the King game of your choice. 😉

    🍐🍅🍌💧 Super Cropsies Contest - Win Gold Bars to your game here!

    Also join to select King's Game Contest here! 😉

    And can you tell me what's King's Game have you still playing? 😊

  • candyujwal
    candyujwal Posts: 2,415


  • lindaVane
    lindaVane Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hola soy nueva por aquí, me gustaría que me ayudarán a entender el movimiento de aquí, gracias

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,317

    Hello there! @lindaVane 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Thank you for your answering but unfortunately this contest is finished already. 😅

    Don't be sad! Here are another general contests for you (click on spoiler warming button here 👇) :

    1. 💐🐣Spring is in the Air - 2022 Community Wide Contest 🐣💐

    Prizes : 3 players with the correct answer will be chosen as winners. All participants who posted their answer that will get this special Spring is in the Air 2022 Badge!

    Ended : Friday, 22nd April 2022, 17:00 CET (Central European Time)

    2. Art Challenge contest - Write a short story📚

    Prizes : Five (5) players with the best short story will each receive 20GB to the King's Games of their choice (except COTR). The winning stories will be featured in our Art Library.

    Ended : Saturday, 30 April 2022 at 1630 CET

    3. Win Gold Bars Here! Help Lucy to unscramble the letters! 🔡

    Prizes : 5 randomly chosen players among all fully correct answers will win 20 gold bars to the King game of your choice (Except Crash On the Run)

    Ended : Monday, 2nd May 2022, 09:00 CET

    Also check another exciting threads (click on spoiler warming button here 👇)

    Hot right now in King Community here 🌶️👑

    💫From King with love Learn more about our sweet initiatives

    What makes our Kingdom so special HERE?

    🏁🚙 Road to King Community Legend and beyond! Levels, Points, Answer, Badges and more HERE!

    📰 Community Newsletter - April Edition HERE

    Badge of the Month - April HERE

    Member of the Month-March 2022: MiladyR HERE

    👑 Pro Players - Welcome to the Community (May Become Pro Player then Comment and Get Pro Player Badge) HERE!

    👑 Join our Kingdom and get this royal badge HERE!

    Badge of the Month : April HERE!

    🌍️ Earth Month Challenge : be part of the solution (Answer and Get Badge) HERE!

    📖 Story creation challenge : "The adventure of their lives" (Art Nook Gallery including the names of all of you who contributed to the making of the story) HERE!

    Guess who is our new Featured CM of the Month HERE? (Win Regular Booster to the King game of your choice) 😍

    Art Challenge - Bookmark in motion HERE (Fun Participation)

    🗳️ Help us to choose new Community avatars HERE!

    🔊 Meet the Team behind the audio magic and give us your feedback HERE!

    The King Audio Lab HERE! 🔉

    Art Nook: King Fanart HERE! 🎨

    🤩 Wanna get an animated card featuring your fav character? Choose your own and send it to your loved ones HERE!

    🤩 Animated King Character stickers are now available HERE!

    🤩 EOTheGr8 now introducing Animated King Signatures HERE!

    🎨 🖌 Community Artists Workshop! King Community Forum signatures HERE!

    Let's make King Community the perfect place for all of us HERE!

    ✍️ Want to subscribe on Tagging List of King's Games and More Topics HERE (Check and Read only) 👑

    Let's help to create/vote amazing ideas on CCS, CCSS, CCJS, CCFS, FHS and COTR HERE ✔️💡

    More exciting threads (contests) coming soon! 😉

    You can also click here to select your King's Game first then you participate and answer that you can chance to win gold bars on your game (games) from contests. 😉

    ⚠️ Note ⚠️

    "Announcement" (you can see pink colour board of announcement while green box), it means contest is still active while you can joined and answered that you can still chance to win free gold bars. And "Finished", it means contest is ended or finished that contest has no longer to be announced while you cannot win gold bars as it's too late!

    I hope you can understand to read it and participate on contests. 😉

    You can also check more exciting news, threads and contests here 👇😊

    Hot right now in King Community here 🌶️👑

    👑 Join our Kingdom and get this royal badge here and Pro Players - Welcome to the Community (May Become Pro Player then Comment and Get Pro Player Badge) here!

    Check more exciting and fun categories on King Community here! 👑🤩

    You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇

    Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊

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