Fairy Dash - Didn’t Receive Prize
I won the FairyDash in second place, Level 1100. I got the pop-up saying I won but haven’t received any prizes. The game looks like it’s still going and hasn’t completed. I’ve played on and currently on level 1105.
Last week I was 2nd place in Fairy Dash and did not get my reward.
Last week I was 2nd place in Fairy Dash and did not get my reward. How can I collect it?
Gold missing in my purchase
I purchased 8.99 worth of gold and power ups in the game Bubble Witch Saga 3, I only recieved the power ups not the gold. I'd like someone to send it to my game.
My coins disappeared!
I had 58 coins and while playing Bubble Witch 3 I received the invitation to continue a game I lost for free. I did this twice and then my coin balance went down to 8! How do I get my coins refunded?
What is the purpose of the Golden Markers ?
Hello. What is the purpose of the Golden Markers, except decorating the map ? I have plenty of them, but no prize comes with them. Thank you for your kind assistance.
Why does the game stop at level 1420 on FB?
Playing BWS3 on FB. The game won't go over level 1420/Chpt 72. Why do I see others with higher levels? I also tried FB gameroom and it is the same. I hope they plan on making more levels available... it's my therapy :D
Level 1527
Hi, has anyone got any hints on how to beat this level or links to video help. I’m getting down to 40 to 50 bubbles but never have quite enough to finish. Thank you!
No Longer Receiving Revamp Rewards Chests
Whenever I complete a revamp of Stella’s home, I see the 3 bars marking my progress. I ***used*** to get a rewards chest after filling in all three bars. Now the bars just lose their colors and reset back to empty. No chest has appeared for a while now. O.o I think I’ve missed out on approximately 7-10 rewards chests. Is…
Missing Charm of fire and ads for more bubbles
My girlfriend and I have been playing Bubble Witch Saga 3 for months now. I'm on level 983 now. What I find unfair with this game is that while we're trying to compete one another for best scores and star count, my girfriend has access to charm of fire (additional bubbles) and also ads to receive additional bubbles at the…
Synchronization issues
I play this game through my Facebook account. And when I start the Gameroom, for some reason I am not allowed to go beyond 1420 level, although on the phone (Samsung Galaxy) and on the application from Microsoft I am already at 1429 level. Why is there no synchronization in the Gameroom, because I play through one account?…