How do l get more power ups faster than just waiting to best s levei or get to chest.
keep running out of power. need more faster.
Screen view
Bubble witch 3 , on ipad and kindle, is in portrait view , ? , why can't it be in landscape like BW 1 & 2
King reset my game today, How do I get it back?
Today, 3/12/'19 I'm at BW Saga 3 Level 586 but was it was reset to BW Saga 2 Level 1 with their registration process. How can I get my game back?
Medals offering wrong amount of stardust (Fixed)
I recently linked my Facebook and my progress with the medals are the same but they’ve all gone back to offering me 50 stardust bottles when I should be offered 2500
I have over 30,000 in star dust but can't improve my home because the screen hasn't advanced and I
have nothing to spend it on ? What do I do ?
(Unsupported Language) Bubble Witch 3 : je suis au niveau 66 mes il ne s'ouvre pas
Bonjour, Quand je clic sur ce nivaux il ouvre la nouveauté avec le chat et demande de l'activer mais j’ai beau cliquer dessus rien ne sa passe et ça reste bloqué comme ça.
Level 1464 help
Anyone seen tutorials of 1460 and upwards? Stuck on 1464 :/
Missing star bubbles life's and boosters
I updated my apps and all my life's, star bubbles and boosters have gone, how do i get them back?
I cannot unlock all my Medals
I am LVL 1457 and I have only unlocked the first 3 medals out of the 9, when can I unlock the others. I have already reported my problem which is to remain unanswered. Thank you for your help. PS: my games, Facebook, and my phone are up to date they already have the latest update. And I have already uninstalled and…
Bubble Witch 3 Saga - How I can reset my progress to the begining?
Hello, I would like to know how to reset my progress on Bubble Witch 3 Saga. I have used my Google account to login in this game.