Unable to install Bubble witch 3 on my device
I had a Samsung Galaxy 9plus and it broke I got a replacement the same phone and now I can't load the game it says version not available on this device
Bubble Witch Saga 3. LEVEL 360 Beat Wilbur
It's impossible to beat this level, watched the video showing how to hear this level and the video shows this level starting with 22 bubbles.......my game only starts with 12 bubbles? This explains why I can't beat this level which seems fairly easy, and I would easily be able to beat level with 22 bubbles, it's impossible…
Will number of moves be changed back to original number?
I am stuck on level 1299 because the number of moves has been lowered from the original amount. It makes it impossible to pass this level without a lot of boosters.
game freeze at star cat
Hi, my game has frozen at level 66, where my first (free) star cat won't activate. I've saved progress and reinstalled, but the game has stuck at the same page! Please help, my daughter loves this game :)
Bubble Witch 3
I have looked for a solution to solving Level 807. My version begins with 8 bubbles with a possible 15 more. All of the help videos start with 10 bubbles with the same number of additional. It is impossible to solve this level without the 10 starting. I updated my phone's game version with no change. Can you help me? Is…
Merged: why didn’t i get my rewards?
This discussion has been merged.
I am stuck on level 394
The video shows 23 bubbles to start but my game only starts with 19 how do I get past this level with only 19 bubbles please help I've been on thislevel for 3 days now.
Didn't get confirmation email for my new account
I created my King account for BWS 3 last Saturday (November 24) and I still didn't get the confirmation e-mail, although I've tried several times. I therefore cannot log in when I launch the game on my PC. Any idea where the problem might be?
Play on Windows 10
If you don’t want to login to Facebook every time you want to play Bubble Witch 3 Saga or if the game doesn’t load or keeps crashing for you on Facebook you can also download it directly to your computer if you have Windows 10. Many of the challenges, bonuses and extra features are not available on Facebook, but you'll…
I don't have the Star Cats nor the Bean Stalk and have no use for my Stardust
The Star Cats and Bean Stalk with more features to Stella's House haven't yet reached all players and their games. We are aware that many players still are waiting for their extension to the house and more features to use the stardust on, but as this feature is still running partly as a test feature this has not been…