I Can't download bw 2 or 3
Can't download bw 2 or 3!!!
Level 1344
I've been stuck on level 1344 since the day of release. I have played this level over 200 times, though only got down to 80 bubbles 4 times. Makers claim you can do every level without extras but I find that hard to believe. I only got 18 bubbles and have blown a heap of my bonuses. Can anyone help?
Game shuts down on its own in the middle of play
Tablet w/ Win. 10. Started the day they put the Halloween mummified cat ghost on the welcome or play start screen. Playing level 913 and suddenly the game freezes for a few seconds then crashes, shutting down completely. I restart the game several times only to have the same thing happen again repeatedly. Restarted Tablet…
Merged: My medals only give me 50 stardust. Can this bug be fixed??
This discussion has been merged.
I can change my progress from my king account to facebook without losing what I have ...
What I want is to change account, ie the game I have connected to the king account but I want to change my progress to facebook without losing what I have with the king account, understand me, I need help.
Can't log in for BWS 3 on my PC
I created my King account for BWS 3 about a week ago anf my email has already been confirmed, but I still can't log in to the game on my PC - it says "wrong email and passwort combination" all the time. I thought there might be a problem with my password so I tried to click on "Reset password" and it says that my email is…
Why does Bubble Witch 3 Saga need access to my contacts?
Just as the topic of this question suggests, Why do I need to allow this (Or likely any other King game) access to my account's contacts? I did want to link this to my play games account but stopped when I saw it wanted to download a copy of my contacts. Is there any way I can save my place in the game without having my…
Merged: Unable to upgrade Stella's house anymore
This discussion has been merged.
What is my User ID and where can I find it?
If you’ve ever had an issue with one of our games and have contacted us in the past, you may have been asked to provide your in-game user ID. This is a question often met with a little confusion, is it my email address? Is it my Facebook name? Don’t worry, we are here to clear that up. Your user ID is simply your personal…
I try and click on the video that shows how the complete a level on Bubble Witch 3
I try and use the video that shows how to complete a level on Bubble Witch 3 but get a page that says I am not authorized.