Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 398 Video Tutorial
The game can not be started when the fairy game starts again. I need to reload the game. Then my presents are over. what should I do. Thank you. Bubblu witch3 saga
Bubble witch 3 saga: Issues with games not loading
Hello: Since yesterday, BW3 is not loading on iPad. App opens, clicking on the level does not open. I've deleted, checked storage and re-installed the app on my iPad still the same issue.
Freezes on Lyra "Activate" screen
The screen freezes and I can't play any games. I've come out of it, rebooted phone. Has anyone had the same problem and got past it.
BW3 crashes when that beat such and such level pops up.
Game crashing after I hit play and the fairy with the checkered flag pops up. How do I fix it. I'm on level 1033? I don't want to lose my progress.
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 335 Video Tutorial
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 199 Video Tutorial
I can’t claim my in-app quest reward
The claim button has been up on my BW3 tricksies party for a couple of weeks. Every time I click it, it takes me to the section, works for a couple seconds, then crashes and send me back to the home page. I don’t necessarily care if I get the reward (although it would be nice to get what I earned) I just want it off my…
lost progress
Hi, recently got back into the game to find out my garden and house and levels have changed. I think it has something to do with facebook. I only have one email with king, i logged into the account through email then connected it to facebook, can i unconnect? also I know this because i had the tree with the kittens all…
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 373 Video Tutorial