What happen's when you put two games together?
What happen's when you put two games together?
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 506 Video Tutorial
I'm having the smae problem as Jim Scott.
Since having the latest update to Firefox, bubblewitch 3 has lost some of it's graphics. The background is black and no colour to any of the bubbles. Any one able to help?
Classic Cauldron II has completely vanished after latest BS3 update.
I updated my Bubble Saga 3 game with the latest update today. I am on level 814. My Classic Cauldron 2 adventure which still had 2 days to run has completely vanished. What gives and what are you doing to rectify this matter?
Is there a way to pass up a level without winning? Level 302 is horrible and I'm getting sick of it!
Want to get pass level 302. I hate this level and can't win to save me! I know in Bubble Witch 1 you can buy your way out. Can you do that in Bubble witch 3?
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 226 Video Tutorial
Bubble Witch 3 Saga level 226 Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu-Mc9vKG0Q
BW3 level 568
How the heck do you win this level?? The closest I can get is 5 rows and can't get past the brown thingees. You clear a path it fills up with flying bubbles and brown thingees. I am ready to throw my phone!! Not relaxing at all. What is the trick? I have gones up the sides, down the middle, followed the pattern, clear the…
I need a tutorial for 399
Tutorial for 399 is what I need have you git one?
error message
When I try to play BW3 or CCSS, all I get is a message "An error occured, we are working on a solution. Try again later"
The last few levels, when I've won, the game shuts down and I don't get credit for stars I've earned
The last few levels, when I've won, the game (BW3) shuts down and I don't get credit for stars I've earned. It does, however credit me for winning the level. This started around the time I had to sign the new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.