What happened to my progress?!?
I tried updating my phone and lost all of my progress when I try to log in with my email it says my email is not valid although I get emails for Stella spoils all the time.
Rewards from trixies
Hi, I have been playing Bubble Witch 3 for a while now, the first time I played the Trixies challenge, I received rewards, but have not received any since.... Hi, I have not received any rewards for the Trixies challenge...
Game freezes
Why does the game keep freezing and I get a message to Activate. When I click nothing works/
Video level help
How do I get the watch video icon at bottom of my game
Unknown "friends"
I run bubble which saga 3 on facebook only. In the list of friends there are, in addition to my actual friends, some completely unknown people. How do I get rid of those? I have tried to remove the permission in facebook and add it again, but it did not help.
download problem
Hello, Since long time i have problem downloading the game. Usually it takes very long time, but since 2 days its impossible to download it. Please help. Many tanks Judy
How unlock me next zone.
How unlock me next zone. after the house i'm level 552 and i wait 6 month for the next zone.
Cant connect to facebook on Bubble Witch 3 Saga
I'm using Windows Mobile and now when I try to connect to Facebook I get an error. I was on level 963!!!
When will all versions of bubble witch 3 have revamping stella's house available?
The game has been telling me for over a year that I'll be able to revamp Stella's house soon. But it has yet to happen, while I have noticed that friend's game have it available and they'd started playing after me.
No Connection!" for Magic Duel
Game says no connection ... have tried all troublshoots please help, plus I'm not getting the 2 hour unlimited lives once a week anymore.