How to save progress in the game?
Hi everyone, I downloaded Bubble witch 3, when I ask to save my progress I click yes, but when I try to play with Facebook it makes me restart from the first level, the same thing happens with Candy crush saga. How can I track my progress? Thanks to those who will answer me.
Help waking the tree
Am I the only player on my team to wake the tree. I earned three flowers but the fourth has noting to help me on level 3348. I’ve been stuck for 3 days.
Why cant i expand on treehouse
Im still not able to expand on treehouse. I have been playing this game for awhile.its getting to the point all im doing is collecting.
Level 2
Hi there. New member here. I have completed level 2 and I cannot figure out how to advance. Please help!
User id
Where do I find my user id
Trixies Party - when the other players send me sweets. They do not show on the game.
I get notifications to say they have sent them but not appearing in game in my icon, I've got the updates. any help please?
Missing Hats
I got Hat #1 three times in a row today. What narrowness to the other 2? Make that 4, and it's only been an hour and a half of constant play! Okay, I just got #2 after that update. I did Visakhapatnam get the 3rd Hat, but still missed out on it earlier... guess that would be yesterday when I got the 4 Red Hats in a row.…
New levels on Bubble Witch Saga 3 for computer players
Hello everyone, I have a question about updates after level 3100. Are there any for a computer player? Today after passing the 3100 lvl the game kept telling that there are new levels to update, but after going on microsoft store to try make the update there were no option to do so - only to download the game which I…
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**Edit by CM: Unsupported language**
What do I do to claim Tricksies Party Rewards? When I hit claim, it will not reward
Several days ago I completed Tricksies Party, but still have been unable to claim rewards. I try each day and get the same results. Goes to Tricksies Party screen, all characters do is jump up and down. There is no way to claim thaI see. Please help.