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BW3S Trail Blazers - The Best Place for BW3S Strategy and Game Play



  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    Way to go EnergizerBunny! And with no booster use either. Glad my suggestions helped and have a Stellar Day.

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    Hot off the Press from PrettyBubbles:

    PrettyBubbles Posts: 22,452 Bubble Witch Moderator

    February 29

    Stella_1Feb 29, 2024

    Just a curious question @PrettyBubbles. How many votes do we need before you can take this topic up with your CM?

    Thanks for letting me know. I know we have 22 votes now, but we probably need a lot more. 😁


    Hi my friend there is no set amount but yes we will need more than 22 as that's a small percentage of players who have voted 💓

    So everyone, lets do our best to get some more votes so that we can resolve the Stardust Accumulation issues and not being able to use it very much.

    Much Thanks.

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    Ever wonder how the Daily Rewards work? Here's the PC Version:

    Basic Start/Reset 1st Round Start:                  After that: Long Term 2nd Round – Consistent Play:

    Day #1: 50 Stardust                                       Day #1: 100 Stardust

    Day #2: 150 Stardust                                     Day #2: 300 Stardust

    Day #3: 1x Stereo Bolt booster                      Day #3: 1x Bubble Beam booster

    Day #4: 30 min Unlimited Lives                      Day #4: 30 min Unlimited Lives

    Day #5: 1x Sparkling Blast booster                Day #5: 2x Shooting Star booster

    After 2nd Long Term Round - 3rd Round Consistent Play:

    Day #1: 300 Stardust

    Day #2: 500 Stardust

    Day #3: 1x Rainbow Rush booster

    Day #4: 30 min Unlimited Lives

    Day #5: 2x Sparkling Blasts booster


  • SkyLex15
    SkyLex15 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    i am currently on level 1111, it's been getting a little harder to pass the levels but i'm getting there lol

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    That's okay SkyLex15. The Levels do get complex as you go along but they do keep to keep to a basic pattern. Always play to the upper bubbles when you can and stay away from the lower bubbles. The patterns are usually 10-12 bubbles up but can be as low as 5-8 bubbles. Always have a Gold Hat in reserve and play with Star Cat Leo first for points. See Tips on Comment Pages 1, 2 and 3 of this thread.

    Good luck and keep blasting those bubbles!

  • trishbanda
    trishbanda Posts: 3,156

    Wow @Stella_1 I just came across this thread.

    Would you please add me to the tagging list?


  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,574

    Manage the tagging list @PrettyBubbles and @johamilton . I am confident that the two moderators will add you. 

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    Another friend is always welcome DieOmimi.

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    You are always welcome trishbanda. It's great to have you on board.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    Hi no worries my friend of course we will add you it will be a pleasure to have you join our BW3 family 👪 💓

    Thank you for the tag @DieOmimi

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?