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💢 Issues with League - losing rewards and status, etc. 💢 



  • Hi @mijao let me help you

    Select the cogg icon bottom left of your start up page then select profile then double tap the word king at the top of the page this will reveal your ID

    Once you have it please make a note as we need this for various things 💓

  • mijao
    mijao Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Thank you :-) @PrettyBubbles

    ID: 2921828565

    And today, the things are just the same - "the count doesn't count"


  • Ok @mijao leave it with me and I will add you to my list of players having this issue

    Any feedback I receive I will post here 💓

  • mijao
    mijao Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Thank you! 😃

  • michele020180
    michele020180 Posts: 33

    Level 3

    For the 3rd time I had a score over 400 and I was number 1 in the astral league. The game ended when I wasn’t playing and I never got credit for winning. This is the 3rd time I’ve been number 1 and missed out on the prize.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,335
    Answer ✓

    Hi @michele020180 I am sorry you Have experienced this is problem

    It is a know issue and I have raised it I am just awaiting feedback

    As soon as I receive the feedback I will let you know the outcome 👍

  • PD987
    PD987 Posts: 465
    Answer ✓


    I'll add to this thread save starting another.

    This has happened to me as well. I was well ahead and in first place in the Astral League, switched off for the night last night, then today it's disappeared completely and I've not got any prizes 😭

  • @PrettyBubbles

    I have the same problem. I was in the 3rd place of Astral League. When the contest had ended, it... just disappeared without giving me my well-earned reward.

    I really love this game, but these issues... 💔😢

  • Hi @PD987 and @Magnolia4 Thank you for reporting

    Sorry you are also experiencing this issue

    I am hoping for feedback soon 👍💓

  • mijao
    mijao Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Hi @PrettyBubbles , just to let you know: today, the new Conjure games, do not add new stars I win. Again. It is blocked at 11(!). So, goodbye Astral league, and it is not my fault... not o.k.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?