Seasons come and seasons go – the story of the wolf
Tiffi wakes up one morning and looks out the window. It looks like the weather is beginning to change. The leaves on the trees have lost their green color and now have the most brilliant red, orange and yellow colors. Come to think of it, Tiffi hasn’t been paying much attention to the time of year. The days are starting to…
Tiffi finds articles on autumn
Tiffi continues reading more about this. ‘Autumn and Fall - We typically think of 'fall' as the North American version of the word 'autumn', but it was in fact in widespread usage in England until relatively recently. Originally a shortening of the phrase fall of the leaf, the phrase was common in England in the 17th…
Seasons explained
Tiffi find more information about the different seasons. ‘The cycle of seasons is caused by Earth's tilt on its axis and the planet's orbit around the sun. When the axis points toward the sun, that hemisphere experiences summer. The hemisphere tilted away from the sun experiences winter. After Earth travels a quarter of…
The leaves are changing colors
She is just going to read a little bit more and then she needs to do something productive. ‘Why do leaves change color? - In response to chilly temperatures and the changes in daylight, leaves stop producing green-tinted chlorophyll, which allows them to capture sunlight and make energy. Because chlorophyll is sensitive to…
Where are they?
Chewy makes a mad dash into the pile and falls in. Tiffi doesn’t see him surfacing or even hear him laughing. He loves his playtime so he should have giggled or something. It’s now her turn to jump and she hopes that she doesn’t land on top of him. Down, down, down she goes …………………….. and ends up somewhere else. “Hey…
Tiffi and the wolf talk to each other
Chewy doesn’t know what to say. There are no verbal words coming from Tiffi’s mouth and yet the wolf is talking to her. But then he remembers reading online once about how wolves talk. ‘Gray wolves will look one another in the eye, as humans do, when communicating a greeting, dominance behaviors, and other social gestures.…
Pecking order of wolves
Chewy looks at Tiffi with a look like “what’s a pack”? “Tiffi do you know what I’m talking about?” questions Tiffi. “Let me explain to you what a pack of wolves is all about.” ‘A wolf pack is an exceedingly complex social unit—an extended family of parents, offspring, siblings, aunts, uncles, and sometimes dispersers from…
The lone wolf
Tiffi tells Chewy that they need to help this wolf find his pack. I don’t know how old this poor little wolf is but if he’s gone from his pack too long other wolves might mistake him to be a lone wolf. She tells Chewy what happens if a wolf is a ‘lone wolf’. ‘We often hear the phrase “lone wolf,” an expression of grudging…
Wolf pups are very playful
Chewy tells Tiffi that not too long ago he was online reading about wolf pups and he shares this information with Tiffi. ‘A wolf pup starts visiting meeting places known as "rendezvous sites" outside the den when they are about eight weeks old. At these meeting places, wolves gather to sleep and play. Wolf pups love to…
The little wolf tells Tiffi how he lost his pack
Tiffi looks into the eyes of the wolf as the little wolf looks back into her eyes. “Little wolf, how did you lose your pack?” questions Tiffi. “I fear that if you don’t find them you might become a lone wolf seeking any pack. You might not be accepted into another pack so we need to find a way to get you back with your…