Meet Elwood
Now it’s Elwood’s turn to walk around the room. “This is Elwood, a Miniature Schnauzer,” Fern says. “Stocky, robust little dogs standing 12 to 14 inches, Miniature Schnauzers were bred down from their larger cousins, Standard Schnauzers. The bushy beard and eyebrows give Minis a charming, human-like expression. The hard,…
Meet Gus
“This is Gus who is a purebred Pug,” says Fern. “The Pug’s motto is the Latin phrase “multum in parvo” (a lot in a little)—an apt description of this small but muscular breed. They come in three colors: silver or apricot-fawn with a black face mask, or all black. The large round head, the big, sparkling eyes, and the…
Meet Dimples
“And here comes Dimples, a Golden Retriever!,” Fern says. “The Golden Retriever is a sturdy, muscular dog of medium size, famous for the dense, lustrous coat of gold that gives the breed its name. The broad head, with its friendly and intelligent eyes, short ears, and straight muzzle, is a breed hallmark. In motion,…
Meet Lee
“And look who we have here, it’s Lee, a French Bulldog,” says Fern. “The French Bulldog resembles a Bulldog in miniature, except for the large, erect “bat ears” that are the breed’s trademark feature. The head is large and square, with heavy wrinkles rolled above the extremely short nose. The body beneath the smooth,…
Meet Finley
Walking on to the red carpet now is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi with his trainer. Fern motions to the trainer to walk Finley around the room. Guess this must be the first dog show that he participated in because the owner is not too familiar with the process. “This is Finley, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi,” says Fern. “At 10 to 12…
Meet Hunter
“Here comes Hunter, a Siberian Husky,” says Fern. “The graceful, medium-sized Siberian Husky’s almond-shaped eyes can be either brown or blue—and sometimes one of each—and convey a keen but amiable and even mischievous expression. Quick and nimble-footed, Siberians are known for their powerful but seemingly effortless…
Meet Helix
“This is Helix, a Wester Highland White Terrier,” says Fern. “Standing 10 to 11 inches at the shoulder, with dark piercing eyes, compact body, and a carrot-shaped tail wagging with delight, the Westie’s looks are irresistible. Beneath the plush-toy exterior, though, is a true working terrier of gameness and courage. Bred…
Meet Twix
Finally, the last dog in this category! “Let’s meet Twix, the Australian Cattle Dog,” says Fern. “Standing between 17 to 20 inches at the shoulder, the Australian Cattle Dog is a sturdy, hard-muscled herder of strength and agility. The ACD is born with a white coat that turns blue-gray or red. Both coat varieties feature…
Tiffi and her friends go on a scavenger hunt
Rumor have been spreading in the community that something is going to happen on 1 May. Tiffi doesn’t like surprises. She gets very curious and gets the need-to-know feeling. Who can she call to find out what it is? Should she call Elsa? She might be writing another story. What about @Lola_Pop ? She’s been very active in…
Tiffi assigns the clues
Tiffi calls all her friends and they are excited to learn that there is going to be a scavenger hunt in the community. Yes, they will definitely participate. Mr. Toffee tells Tiffi that he would like to help too since his best friend Yeti is participating. Jean-Luc says that Philippe will not be joining him because he…