The friends meet at the park in Candy Town
When the four of them get to the park a little before noon they see all their friends there. Red Rabbit brought a candy bomb so they can play ball with it. Hugs and kisses shared. Tiffi has brought a basket of goodies. The friends are so happy to see Kimmy. Hugs and kisses and then they sit down to eat lunch. “Hey guys,…
As the afternoon comes to an end
“@Sofia1992 was only able to clear 2 of the 7 levels,“ Misty says. “@QueenMia posted the event and said that it’s not available to everyone ‘as our sweet Game Studio is making sure it works smoothly. But don't despair, it will probably be coming to your game at some other time!’ Some players were disappointed that they saw…
Level complete
Nutcracker calls Tiffi pg. 6
After he is done getting everything ready, Nutcracker decides to call his best mate Tiffi. He dialed her number and waited for her to answer. Nothing. He reached her voicemail instead. He dialed again. Nothing. He began to worry and panic. What is she doing now? he thought to himself. What if she doesn't like me as a…
Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters - Nutcracker (Part 4A)
Hi everyone. Welcome to 'Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters. Well, the time that all of you waited has finally come. To analyze Nutcracker's outfits in CCFS. So, let's begin!!! As we know , Nutcracker has the most fabulous outfits in whole game and he has 13 outfits in total (actually 9…
It is Easter in candy Village and Mr Toffee was setting up is Candy Store "oh I wonder how busy it will be today" he thought as the door opens with the first customer. It was Tiffi his assistant (on Easter only) but she was carrying gold bars and she looked in a hurry she said im sorry Mr Toffee but I can't be your…
Tiffi co-authors another story – It’s a twin thing! (Sequel to "The story of Jean-Luc")
Things begin to settle down in Candy Town since Tiffi and her friends found out about Philippe. The identical twins, Jean-Luc and Philippe are trying to learn more about each other, such as their likes and dislikes. “I love candy,” says Jean-Luc. “My favorite is chocolate and the heart shaped chocolate with the red stripes…
Comparing likes and dislikes
The boys continue sharing their likes and dislikes for certain things. “I adore strawberries,” Jean-Luc says. “I am not too fond of them plain but dip them in chocolate or make a strawberry shortcake and I am in love! What about you Philippe?” “I kind of like strawberries,” Philippe says. “But if I had to choose a…
Tiffi does some googling
Tiffi is totally amazed at how much they are sharing their likes and dislikes. She decides to call Elsa to tell her what’s been going on. She sends her a text message along with the picture that she took of both of them. Elsa doesn’t respond so perhaps she’s busy creating a new story. Tiffi leaves a phone message for her.…
What is twintuition?
Tiffi is amazed at how much information Elsa has learned about identical twins. The boys are in the other room and they are enjoying learning about each other, so Tiffi heads on over to her laptop to read more about them. She finds an article about “twintuition” and it’s really neat. She decides to look up the definition…