Tiffi and Elsa talk about Easter
It’s Friday and Elsa will be showing up shortly. Tiffi gathers all her printouts and leaves them on the dining room table. Just then the doorbell rings. “Hi Elsa, you are right on time,” Tiffi says. “Come in and I have to show you all the information that I found on Google.” She shares all the printouts about the…
Elsa talks about the Easter parades
Back on the computer Elsa types in ‘easter parades’ in the Google search. She does a search for the best Easter parades across the US. Together the two of them read the article together. “An annual rite of spring that dates back to 19th century New York, the Easter Parade has long been a very popular cultural event and…
What about Easter baskets?
“Elsa, I just thought of something else!” Tiffi says. “Did you read anything about why parents give Easter baskets to their children? My father does a dynamite business selling these baskets in his candy store. He can never get enough. But I don’t think he ever read anything about why it’s done.” Elsa pulled out a sheet of…
Elsa asks Tiffi to co-author the story
Wow Tiffi can’t believe how much information they both found on Google about Easter. Elsa thinks that she has more than enough to begin the new story. “Tiffi, you really found a lot of great information,” Elsa says. “Hey maybe I can make you the co-author of this story! Would you like that?” Tiffi can’t believe hear…
Elsa looks up the origin of the Word ‘Easter’
Back at home, Elsa gather her thoughts together for her new story about Easter. There is one thing that is bugging her. How did the word ‘Easter’ originate? She takes out her laptop and does a Google search. As she begins to read some of the articles she finds that there are many stories and legends surrounding the name.…
Elsa finishes the story
Elsa now has more than enough information to create her Easter story. She begins to type and gets so engrossed in the story that she loses track of time. She never had lunch and it’s now dinner time. She stops her writing and goes over to the refrigerator to see what she can make for dinner. She makes herself a yummy salad…
The story of Jean-Luc
Once upon a time and many, many years ago …. There lives this little boy who loves playing with his toys. His all-time favourite toy is his nutcracker toy soldier. He actually loves it so much that he gives him the name of “Jean-Luc”. One Christmas Eve something strange happened in his bedroom. Suddenly this bolt of light…
Jean-Luc falls into the Candy Kingdom
The little boy is not aware that the bolt of light that appeared in his room magically spun Jean-Luc and lifted him off the shelf. He fell into the Candy Kingdom as a regular toy soldier, but was quickly turned to life by the imagination, love, and magic that characterizes the Kingdom. Ever since, he has been in an…
Tiffi hears someone crying
Tiffi, our little 6-year old girl, is out looking for some new adventure. She arrives at Eggnog Emporium and as she passes the toy store she hears crying inside. The door is unlocked so she goes inside to find out who is crying. As she approaches the clown puppet hanging, she sees this nutcracker soldier sitting on the…
Tiffi and Jean-Luc become good friends
Tiffi and Jean-Luc become good friends. She takes him on her adventures in Candy Town. One day she asks him what he wants to do with his life. She tells him that he can get a job, or maybe he can become an actor. He asks her what an actor is, and she explains it to him. He gets all excited thinking that he would like to…