Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters - Jelly Queen (Part 1)
Hello everyone. Welcome to my 'Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters' with me, Sofia1992. This time, we will come to analysis the new recent character in CCFS (although we already met her in CCJS, anyway...) Jelly Queen or as the game CCFS describes her as the Spreader of Jam and Destroyer…
Who can help Tiffi solve this problem?
“I’ve got an idea,” says Tiffi with excitement. “How about I contact Giggles. When I met with him at Crumbly Crossing I got
the impression that he wants to spread love and cheer. Wait, that won’t work because when I saw him
he had made too many sweet treats to carry. Then I ended up jumping right in and we had a food…
Red Rabbit I’ll see you soon
Flying up above she sees her friend, Odus. He is now 110 years old and spends most of
his time in Glittery Grove and Candy Town. He is a dream but easily scared. He is a close friend of Tiffi and a dream creator for Baroness. Odus is a mysterious owl, born on the even more mysterious
Marshmallow Moon. Moon Owls can create…
Where is Red Rabbit?
Prancing ahead in the distance she sees Misty. She must hurry and meet up with Red
Rabbit. She, being her friendly way, has
to say hi to everyone so she might as well say hello to Misty and then be on
her way. Misty, the Unicorn, is
blessed with the kind of unparalleled self-importance you’d expect from a rare,
Over the Easter Bunny Hills
Lurking under the Bubblegum Bridge, you will find the naughty
Bubblegum Troll! Just as Tiffi is about
to cross over the bridge, Bubblegum Troll pokes his head out from under the
bridge to see who is crossing over. “Tiffi, when did you get back,” he says. She tells him that Red Rabbit called him and needs her help, so
Tiffi needs Yeti’s help
Mr. Yeti is 900 years old. He is 6’ 6” tall and weighs 800 lbs. He is a neighbor and best friend of Mr. Toffee. He is also uncle to Jenny (Candy Crush Jelly
Saga). He is a laid back, friendly,
protective, clumsy, helpful and sleepy character. He likes eating and chocolate is his favorite
food. He dislikes alarm clocks…
Tiffi arrives home
“Hi Dad, I’m home,” she says. Since Mr. Toffee likes order, he tells Tiffi to put away her things in
her bedroom. Mr. Toffee is 56 years old and is 11’ 4” tall. He is a very proud, knowledgeable and
solution focused character. He dislikes
new people, disorder and change. He is
easy going and kind, but also extremely…
Red Rabbit, Red Rabbit what’s going on with you?
You seem so sad, so very sad. So please give us a clue. Sadness does not become you I see, So, let’s try something to make you happy! Red Rabbit lives in Lollipop Meadows & Candy Town Farms. But prior to living here he lived in Carrot
Cake Cubby (Candy Crush Soda Saga). At
that time, he met up with Kimmy who was searching…
Mr. Toffee is frantic
Up ahead she sees Mr. Toffee and he really looks upset. “What’s going on Dad,” she says. “What do you mean, what’s going on?” he responds. “Look at this pink mess and it’s sticky and stretchy. And who is that character with that big smile
on his face?” “Dad, that is a new friend of mine,” Tiffi says. “He is the Bubblegum…
Who is that over there?
On the way back to the Candy Kingdom they see the Nutcracker, who
was a member of a Christmas toy set
before he fell into the Candy Kingdom. Tiffi waves hello but continues to take
a sleepy Yeti home. The Nutcracker believes he's been taken prisoner in this strange
world, but since he met Tiffi, he's not so sure he wants…