Time to go to the ball game!
Bright and early on Saturday morning the girls wake up and get ready for the baseball game. Tiffi is so excited that she tells Kimmy to hurry up. She doesn’t want to be late for the game. Poor Kimmy will never get used to her energetic sister. A half hour later they arrive at the baseball stadium. Tiffi hands over the…
Hot Dog History
‘Sausage is one of the oldest forms of processed food, having been mentioned in Homer's Odyssey as far back as the 9th Century B.C. Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, is traditionally credited with originating the frankfurter. However, this claim is disputed by those who assert that the popular sausage - known as a "dachshund" or…
History continued ….
‘Inventing the hot dog bun - Many hot dog historians chafe at the suggestion that today's hot dog on a bun was introduced during the St. Louis "Louisiana Purchase Exposition" in 1904 by Bavarian concessionaire, Anton Feuchtwanger. As the story goes, he loaned white gloves to his patrons to hold his piping hot sausages.…
Baseball & Hot Dogs
Tiffi finds an article about baseball and hot dogs! Now has to be interesting so she begins to read it. ‘Most baseball history books skip the contributions made by caterers, vendors, and concessionaires who worked hard to feed hungry fans. Presumably, the foods consumed by the earliest baseball fans in the late 19th…
Tiffi continues searching ………..
Tiffi finds an interesting article with a title - Why Do We Eat Hot Dogs at Baseball Games? ‘While new state-of-the-art ballparks have introduced food menus that rival those at five-star restaurants, the hot dog remains the most popular gastronomic attraction for stadium attendees. During a typical baseball season, more…
Ketchup challenges mustard's hot-dog supremacy
‘A new YouGov survey on two of America’s favorite foods, hot-dogs and hamburgers, reveals that mustard is American’s preferred condiment for hot-dogs, but ketchup—also Americans’ choice for Hamburgers—is gaining popularity among younger Americans and might in the future unseat mustard’s place in the top-spot. For the…
16 Best Hot Dog Toppings
Tiffi can’t believe the title of the next article that she finds. That many hot dog toppings! She definitely has to read this article! ‘If the thought of a hot dog at the ball field gets you pumped up for excitement, you're not alone. The report also states that MLB fans buy an average of 20 million hot dogs and 4.5…
Celebrate Hot Dog History at the Ballpark
The next article that she finds mentions that there is a National Hot Dog Day. She will have to find out the date for that. “Tiffi you’re missing the whole game,” says Kimmy. Tiffi is too busy reading articles but she does look up to see what’s going on. ‘There is no food connected more with America’s Pastime than the…
Hot dog history continued …..
‘And that’s still true today. According to concessionaire Levy, Dodger Stadium sells the most hot dogs in the major leagues: some 2.5 million each year. The traditional Dodger Dog is a foot-long pork hot dog either grilled or steamed, served with mustard and relish. Another traditional dog is sold by Levy at Wrigley Field:…
Hot Dog Eating Contest
‘Legend has it that on July 4, 1916, four immigrants gathered at the very first Famous hot dog stand in Coney Island and made eating contest history. As the story goes, they were competing to see who was the most patriotic. How did they determine the winner? With a hot dog-eating contest, of course! Did You Know? Fun Facts…