Competitions and records
“European, Canadian, American, North American and Australian championships are held in alternating years with the World Championships. The best dressed town crier at the World Championships in 2008 was Daniel Richer dit La Flêche representing the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau, in Canada. In 2001, Alan Myatt held the…
Five facts worth knowing about town crying
1.- While town criers today are mainly ceremonial announcers, in the past they were an essential and trustworthy source of information. From royal proclamations to local news, for centuries, townspeople would hear them proclaimed by a crier or bellman. 2.- It really wasn’t a good idea to shoot the messenger when you didn’t…
Interview with Michael Wood, town crier
‘We asked for you! But what is it like to be a town crier in modern times? I asked Michael Wood, three-times world champion and Britain’s loudest town crier, who has been in the service of East Riding of Yorkshire Council for 14 years. Tell us how you became a town crier - In 1996, The East Riding of Yorkshire Council…
Interview with James Stewart
‘James Stewart is one of the most recognizable faces of Nova Scotia. As the official town crier of New Glasgow, he is part presenter, part historian, and part global ambassador. He’s also the man that delivers Boston’s Christmas tree most years. In this interview, we talk with James about what it’s like to be one of only…
James Stewart comes in second in an international town crier competition
‘The cries were judged on volume, clarity, the choice of words and their inflection, while the criers were judged on how they looked in their uniforms, their bearing and confidence. They were also judged on the content of the cries. Stewart, who was one of 25 competitors from around the world, said the competition was…
‘International Town Criers Day on the second Monday in July celebrates the historical relevance of town criers throughout history. Got a good strong voice? Do you like to tell others what’s going on? The day honors loud people who announce the news by using a bell and making proclamations to townspeople. Besides having a…
Tiffi and her friends celebrate the day!
As soon as Tiffi gets home she starts to make her phone calls. She realizes that the best way to contact them all at the same time is to Facetime them. As luck would have it, Tiffi is able to get all of them on Facetime. She goes into one of her long excitable messages and Yeti asks her to please slow down because she’s…
It’s getting late
‘Cheese makers depend on their palate - You might not think about it but every batch of cheese is slightly different. Small variances occurs in a cows diet which ultimately affect the quality and taste of its milk. A trained cheese maker has a high attention for detail and are able to figure out problems can figure out…
Elsa and Jelly Queen take a factory tour
Elsa has just finished her Hurricane Elsa story and uploaded it into the Friends’ community. Her stomach begins to growl so she looks at the time. Wow! She forgot to eat breakfast and now it’s lunch time. She decides to take herself out to eat. As she approaches the restaurant she bumps into Jelly Queen. “Hi Jelly Queen, I…
Elsa and Jelly Queen want to learn more about mac and cheese
Elsa has to find out what this is all about. The cup asks Elsa to please carry her because she can’t walk. “Let’s go out the back door,” says the cup. Elsa and Jelly Queen head towards the back door. As soon as they take a step outside Elsa realizes that something doesn’t look right. “Where are we?” Elsa asks. “Is this…