Tiffi makes plans with her friends
It’s time to get hold of everyone to share all these ideas. First she will call Elsa for her thoughts on this. “Hi Elsa, what’s going on?” asks Tiffi. “I just spent a couple of hours looking for summer fun ideas for all of us. We already had fun learning all about yo-yos and now we have to think of what we should do…
Let’s learn how to use a yo-yo
It’s been a couple of weeks now since Elsa posted her last story. She has no clue what story to create next. She decides to go online to check out National Days for June 2021. “Wow! National yo-yo day,” exclaims Elsa. “I haven’t used a yo-yo since I was a child. I have to find out more about this national day. ‘Every year…
Tiffi wants to learn more about yo-yos
Tiffi gets off the phone, checks her phone for text messages to see if the players need her help. Nope! Time to do some googling! Tiffi has no clue what to search for so she just types yo-yo toy. She is quite surprised to see so many things about yo-yos. She clicks on the first title and finds a definition along with…
History of the yo-yo
Tiffi is getting a better understanding about this toy. She continues to read the history. ‘The principal distinction between the Filipino design popularized by Flores and more primitive yo-yos is in the way the yo-yo is strung. In older (and some remaining inexpensive) yo-yo designs, the string is tied to the axle using a…
Wow that kid is talented!
Tiffi never knew anything about this toy. She comes across a video Amazing kid with awesome yoyo tricks.. She has to check it out! ‘A six-year-old kid from Japan made the crowd shout wild with his amazing yoyo tricks..watch the video and youll have fun watching it...’ Wow! Such a young child and he’s very talented. Just…
The science of yo-yos
‘What makes yo-yos go up and down? A yo-yo might look like a toy, but it's also an energy converting machine. Understanding how it constantly changes energy from one kind into another is the key to figuring out how it works. If you're not familiar with scientific terms like potential energy and kinetic energy, you might…
Science of yo-yos continued
‘In a perfect world, a yo-yo could rise and fall on its string forever. But as the string spins on the plastic axle, friction (the rubbing force between two things that are in contact and moving past one another) uses up some of its energy. Although you can't see it happening, the spinning yo-yo wheels also rub against the…
Types of energy
‘Just as a yo-yo has two kinds of kinetic energy, so it has two kinds of momentum: linear momentum (because it moves in a straight line, up and down on the string) and angular momentum (because it spins around). All spinning objects have angular momentum. And anything that's spinning around likes to keep on spinning so its…
What type of yo-yo is right for me?
Elsa continues looking for types of yo-yo toys. She comes across an interesting article and begins to read it. ‘Yo-Yoing has been around since 440 B.C. as a toy and now as a sport thanks to the advancement of design. Like any sport to be successful, you must have the proper equipment, learn how to use it, and understand…
How to Do 5 Awesome Yo-Yo Tricks
Elsa gets herself a cup of fresh coffee and goes back to her computer. Aha! She finds an article on how to do some tricks. ‘Former Venturer Alex Curfmanis a yo-yo expert. He practices 10 or more hours a week and has excelled at tournaments. At the 2009 World Yo-Yo Championships, he broke the record for the longest Shoot…