Stuck on level 1077
Stuck on level 1077 for days, really frustrating!!
Can i get some help for level 86?
Can i get some help for level 86?
is this actually possible to beat. I keep getting stuck with the corners and have tried with the purple, blue, and orange characters. Not enough moves perhaps?
Dont ask for lives if you are not gonna give them back
Dont ask for lives if you are not gonna give them. I never see any lives from any friends but a gina keeps asking and I send but when I ask she never sends ... Stop asking if your not gonna return the favor that's not cool folks be fair
Spread the Purple Jelly!
There is a new type of Jelly waiting for you beyond level 1000, the purple jelly. It is similar to the spread the jelly challenge, but the purple jelly will move! The spreaded purple jelly will sink to any free spots in the lower part of the board. Once you clear the blocks in the bottom, the purple jelly will sink and…
Level 540
I finally just passed this one, but man it was a real doosy! O.o Took me 3 days and countless lives to do it... :anguished: Didn't get a good score, but I ended up winning it with odus and like 2x coloring candy+wrapped candy combos and 1 color bomb+wrapped candy combo. :o I'm not sure if Dachs could be used here or not,…
Favorite Special Candy
Hi all. I was curious to see what everyone's favorite candy was on the board. Mine is the elusive coloring candy. I love to put that with another special candy and watch my board erupt in a sugary sweetness 😄
Why are Candy Crush characters confused right now?
Hi @QueenMia, I'm know this maybe a stupid question but I just really know why Candy Crush characters are confusing right now? Something was happening to the social media accounts and it is shows me this! Facebook page! Game icon! my thought was i think that maybe a Jelly Queen is coming to be a new character? is Pretzella…
There are too many character costumes, don't care about so many different ones. Maybe ones for holidays. There needs to be more lollipop helpers for free. The game is getting kind of boring, esp when stuck on a level. The candy hearts are the most fun for me, but they are few and far between. I don't care for dunking…
How can I get lives?
How can I get lives? I have no friends...🙄