Who's your favorite candy crush friends character?
Don't be shy to share you favorite character! Personally, I like Misty the Unicorn.
candy crush friends stories
I can't believe Misty actually made a color bomb. For those who don't know Misty, she is a unicorn that can create any type of candies. Coloring and color bombs= super rare. Fish, wrapped candy, and striped candies=common. Match 15 orange candies to get a delicious candy.
Quote War
So, basically, someone writes a quote from a movie or a TV series and people try to guess which movie or TV series it's from. The one who gets it right tells the next quote. If they can't think of a quote, they pick someone else to do it. I'll get you started : It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA. It's pretty obvious.
Let's play - Answer the crusher question above you
Calling all FriendsCrusher’s family to play a new threading game called ‘Answer the question from the Crusher above you. The game is simple : 1. Answer the question from a crusher above you 2. Ask another question for the next crusher. It can be serious, silly or up to you but remember has to be family friendly and abide…
Something big is going on - what could it be?
Have you heard that something big is coming to the Farm Heroes Saga Community on Monday, 28 September? What could it be? Tiffi knows but she is not telling anyone. Yeti is trying to find out the secret on his tablet. Nutcracker has no clue. What could it be? "We need to know," Nutcracker says. "Yeti type in Google the date…
Did you know?
I really enjoy doing Google searches for fun facts and I hope that you do too. I am starting a new message in each game community with the same discussion title. Please feel free to add fun facts and maybe, if I have time, I will post a message weekly.
Add Funny Images to make everyone Laugh.
Hi Respected Members, Welcome to the Fun Area, Let's have some funny images to make everyone Laugh. Let us Laugh and Keep Diseases away from us.
The Community Rhyming Games
Hello Friends Crew 🤗 It's time for a new game! 👉 Let's start the Community Rhyming Games! How does it work? It's simple! Each player posts a word that rhymes with the one posted above him. Then posts a new word for the next rhyme. Makes sense? Let's try it then 🍒 First Word 👉 FRIENDS 👭 👫 👬
Never Have I Ever
Hey guys! 😊😁This is basically a game where someone posts something like Never have I ever won a talent show or never have I ever dyed my hair. The other person gets one point if they have done that. 😃 This goes on until one player reaches 1000 points. If you don't want to keep score I can do it. If this game get popular…