🚨🚨 I got a notification about allowing tracking in my game: what does it mean and what do I need
👨👩👦👦 New to the Community? Register here in just 2 seconds! Dear community, Recently, you might have received a notification in your game about tracking and personalizing your experience. First of all, please note that for now, this applies to iOS devices only, Apple is implementing this now and Android devices will be…
How to interact with others in game?
My app seems to have no interaction with other players. I have connected to Facebook and made sure the permissions allow public view and access to friends. In the earlier levels, upon completion, I would see how my score compares to others. Now, I don't see that when I finish a level. I did not change any options, just…
pink missing textures
Over the last few days, textures will randomly turn into pink spaces on Candy Crush Saga Friends. It doesn't happen all the time but it occurs more and more often. This glitch only happens on this game and no where else. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it doesn't fix the issue. What is going on and how do I…
Why didn't the new "Delivery" start today?
A new team game "Delivery" was to start today. I draw a conclusion from the frequency of occurrence of this event in the game. Why didn't the "Delivery" start today? Only I have a problem (or multiple teams)? Or has the frequency of the event been changed? Help. What should I do for the "Delivery" to start?
Lost lollipops on new Kindle
I got a new Kindle and when I synced the 2 I lost all my lollipops. I tried uninstall and reinstall and that fixed other issues I had but still had no lollipop
How to change my game avatar?
I can't change my game avatar. I don't have, nor do I want, a facebook account. Going to settings & edit profile didn't work either, was no option to change avatar. Could someone please help? It was so easy on Candy Crush.
Strange Bug Encountered - Sunny Tales Repeating
Yesterday, I completed Sunny Tales Day 1, got rewards, played regular levels. Today, I sign in, find Day 1 & Day 2 is now available. What? 😕
I need statistics on the usefulness of the players on the team.
I have a team. I want to know which player is useful in team play and which is useless. Now it is almost impossible to determine. And in most cases, I can't figure out whether a specific player is needed or not. In CCS, it's clear whether a player is helpful to the team or not. In CCSS, it's clear whether a player is…
Just paid 4.99 for an hour of lives and 39 gold, ONLY GOT THE GOLD! NO INFINITE LIVES!
Very upset. Dont ask me to force close the app or uninstall and reinstall, or update because I have done all of that. I want an immediate refund!
Why am I not receiving my unlimited lives
Why am I not receiving my unlimited lives