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I do not receive lives



  • Imalittlemad
    Imalittlemad Posts: 56

    Level 3

    as explained Lives work differently on this game than on the other Candy Crush games. Though I don't agree with the way it works, that's how it goes for now. 

    Also, Queen Mia has said they are currently trying to work on the issue of not receiving lives. It's a newish game there are bugs and they are working in them as fast as they can. yes it's frustrating but it takes time so please be patient 😊
  • JustPlaying
    JustPlaying Posts: 4,195
    @grandmother4 in what way can you not use your gold bars?
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hello everyone, 

    Our Team hasn't been able to reproduce the issue, therefore, it is taking time to investigate and try to understand/find out the root cause and fix it! However, rest assured we are working on it and taking it seriously. 

    There will be a new release soon, so make sure you update your game. I will keep you posted as soon as possible. Until then, thanks for your patience and sorry again for the inconvenience.

  • QueenCharlene
    QueenCharlene Posts: 30

    Level 3

    Ok here is an with the lives I have been talking about but have been assured that the lives I send are being received by the recipients I am sending them to. Today I beg to differ, I was speaking to a friend who sent out several lives last night, prolly like 20 to many of her friends and she had asked me to check n see how many lives I had received n when I checked it had appeared I only got 2 that I could see! Now where did the others go n why does it allow her to go through the motions of sending em if indeed it is not happening at all? Which brings me to my issue, eveytime I play a level in CC Saga I hit the button to send lives see pic attached - see at the bottom it says send lives well I do this here as well as on the main page or where the map is as well! So I am thinking I am sending out at least 20+ lives per friend per day ..... please look 👀 into this n get back to me as soon as possible! I need to know for my own sanity! Plus I don’t want to be doing something for nothing.....
  • Regulus
    Regulus Posts: 26

    Level 3

    The question is in the title. I play on a PC, maybe it's the reason why I can't...
  • JustPlaying
    JustPlaying Posts: 4,195
    edited November 2018
    Hi @Regulus you can find info on how to send receive lives here . If you are having issue sending and receiving please post it on that thread so everything is kept together
  • Wanessa_Tuponi
    Wanessa_Tuponi Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited November 2018
    (Unsupported Language)

    Eu tenho o mesmo problema, não posso enviar ou receber vidas, ele o envelope está desativado 
  • futymed
    futymed Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Not sending or receiving lives on facebook

  • Veeresh
    Veeresh Posts: 465
    Could you please mention your problem in English so we can provide a solution.
  • Wanessa_Tuponi
    Wanessa_Tuponi Posts: 2

    Level 1

    What is the problem, is not able to send or receive lives, the envelope is disabled

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?