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Travel - Share some pics and stories



  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,461
    @bearwithme I traveled  a lot mostly in south East Asian countries  like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and India, used to live in Sydney for 2 years back in 1998 - 2000, I always want to do backpacking throughout Europe one day 😊, sadly I lost mostly all my pictures from all my traveling times 😢
  • Alansmart
    Alansmart Posts: 1,302
    Sweet idea @bearwithme, another good way for the community to be able to get to know each other a bit more 👍I don't live there now, but here is where my roots were grown 🙂👑..
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Very nice pictures, @firebombmarkus, @mysticalmysty 😍 

    @Alansmart, is that Calgary? I first thought of Toronto but that does not seem to be the same tower!

    @bearwithme, the next destination is actually this weekend: Going to Denmark, but that does not really count cause I'm going there every year to visit part of the family 🙂 The next "big" trip will be here 👇 Maybe you know where it is? (It's actually 2 countries)

    What about you, guys? Where to next?

  • Alansmart
    Alansmart Posts: 1,302
    It is Toronto @QueenMia, and that looks to be a very nice next destination.. is it Romania?
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Ah damn! I should have stayed with my first guess, @Alansmart 😅 Very nice! I would love to go to Vancouver, that's in my to-go list (which is very long, hehe!). Is it where you are now?

    Romania is a good guess, but that's a little further than that 😉
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,943
    @mysticalmysty wow - I envy all the travelling you did - especially living in Australia.  That is the one place I would have liked to live for a few years.
    @Alansmart - thank you for sharing. I am also wondering where that is.  We certainly have the Marshall's chain here in the US and quite a few cities have towers, but those houses on the left don't remind me of a US city off hand.
    @QueenMia - beautiful photos - looks exotic.  This could almost be another game - guess where this location is.  I think the clue is guessing the mountains in the background.  Just taking a wild guess - that's not the Himalayas by any chance?
    Anyway - thank you so much everyone for sharing.  I'd love to see other photos if you have any.
  • Alansmart
    Alansmart Posts: 1,302
    No I am about an hour away from Toronto now @QueenMia, it is Toronto @bearwithme
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,943
    Very Nice @Alansmart - I've been to Toronto but it was many years ago.  I love the huge zoo and I enjoyed the Henry Moore museum - very nice collection.
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    edited May 2019
    That could be, but no, @bearwithme - Been to Nepal and have to say that the Himalayan mountains are gorgeous! 👇(Dind't have a very clear weather as you can see though)!

    As for the next destination, it will be the beautiful mountains of Armenia and Georgia 🤗 Going there for a wedding actually, so very much looking forward to get immersed in the local traditions!

    @bearwithme, I'm actually expecting some more pics from you!! You seem to have gone to wonderful places!
  • Alansmart
    Alansmart Posts: 1,302
    Since you were at the Himalayas did you check out Tibet @QueenMia?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?