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Time for a fitting!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited October 2019 in Candy Friends Stories

Our graphic designers are frantically gathering all the outfits to make sure that all will be done on time. 

It’s now time for the final fitting.  Everything is falling into place.  All outfits have the finishing touches on them.  The characters try on their outfits.


“Hey, does this werewolf outfit  look tight on me?” Yeti questions.  “It feels tight on my arms.  Maybe I should tell them to let it out a bit.”


“Yeti, it looks like it fits,” says Tiffi.  “Maybe on the upper arm it could be let out a bit.  What do you think of my red devil’s outfit?  Maybe we could wear these next year for Halloween.  No one would recognize us.” 


It takes all of them quite a while to try on each outfit and have the seamstress check them all out.  They are just about finished but then they realize that Nutcracker has more outfits than the rest of them.  Hopefully the rest of his outfits fit because Tiffi is getting anxious and wants to leave.


“Hey guys, can we stop to get something to eat when we are done ?” questions Tiffi. “I am starving, and I forgot to bring some fishies with me.“


“I am getting hungry too,” says Yeti.  “I have to go find me some chocolate.”


Tiffi brought Rachel along even though she doesn’t have any outfits created for her yet.  She wants her to feel that she belongs with the group of friends and wants to include her with everything.  They all spend the afternoon eating and chatting as they try to catch up with how things are going with all of the powers and help with the game. 


It’s time to go home.  They hug and kiss each other,  and all look forward to the day of the fashion show.  With only a few days left, arrangements are made for the dress rehearsal.  All goes well and they all look forward to Saturday.


Time goes quickly and it’s now Fashion Show day! 

Let’s see how the day goes here

If you arrived here, then you might want to start at the beginning of the story


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