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Need help with Daily Quests? Let’s share our best levels! ♥️🐳



  • Thank you kindly @QueenMia and everyone! 🥰 I have been so impressed and grateful for the contributions of @kiara_wael @actipton80 @ffs And I hope it keeps growing. I use lists all the time so I am happy to share and keep updating whatever knowledge I have with all of you. 🤗

    Happy Crushing Friends!


  • actipton80
    actipton80 Posts: 426

    1215 is a good Nutcracker level for blues and caramels. You can also use Misty or Odus and get purples or oranges. I actually passed this level on the first try so it is worth going back to for daily quests. I got quite a few color bombs in that level too.

  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615

    Nice work 👍

  • actipton80
    actipton80 Posts: 426

    I think level 1001 has moved to gold mine status for me. I've mentioned it before, but I use that level all the time for quests.

  • AkumaXX
    AkumaXX Posts: 489

    Wait... those special candy quests require the player to *create* them, not collect. That means those on board or drop from cannons *do not* count. Unless there are levels where the first few moves can create them, I don't think that it can be done without luck.

  • actipton80
    actipton80 Posts: 426

    I have found that any special candies that your characters put on the board count as a created candy. For example, one of my quests today was to create 250 fish. I used Tiffi in level1001, and when I filled her meter, she put three fish on the board. Those three count toward my 250. I also created a lot of them by matching a color bomb with a fish, and I could create even more by matching a coloring candy with a fish. You might have to go back and play an old level multiple times to get all the candies you want for the quest. The amount of fish I created per playthrough of that level depended on luck, and sometimes I could get more and sometimes less, but they all counted toward my 250. For special candy quests, I use Tiffi for fish, Odus for striped candies, and Yeti for wrapped candies. Misty can be used for any of those, and sometimes she will give you a color bomb or coloring candy which would count toward a quest too.

  • AkumaXX
    AkumaXX Posts: 489

    One more thing. It seems that in this version you have to travel back every episode. It's time to include the "episode warp" feature included in the "heavily modded" Chinese version.

  • actipton80
    actipton80 Posts: 426

    You do have to travel back manually. I would much appreciate a level warp. It takes me a long time to get back to 537 for those mints.

  • actipton80
    actipton80 Posts: 426

    I think I'm going to add 1325 to the list as a mint level, also good for matching with Yeti, Red rabbit, and getting blue, purple, cyan, and red.

  • dananelle
    dananelle Posts: 1,060

    Level 1932 will get you about 90 liquorice sticks

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