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Tiffi googles for party ideas

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,537
edited February 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi’s new friends are all done with their googling. They reach out to one another as PrettyBubbles gathers all the information. She will be meeting with Elsa later on today so she an give her all the information. 

Tiffi is up early and begins cutting out hearts for Valentine’s Day. She is happy that her new friends are going to be added into the story and they are also helping with the googling. This is freeing up her time to start doing Valentine’s Day cards and messages.  She gets a text message from her sister so she puts down the scissors to call her back. 

“Hi Kimmy, what’s up?” asks Tiffi. “Are you coming here for Valentine’s Day? I think I am going to talk to Elsa to see about maybe having a Valentine’s Day party.  But even if we don’t have the party, you can still come spend some time with Dad and me.” 

Sounds like a great idea! 

Tiffi finishes cutting out some hearts and decides to do some googling for Valentine’s Day party ideas. She will gather as much as she can get and then when she speaks to Elsa later they can discuss if they can have a party considering that the virus is still there. If not, maybe they can do a virtual party online. 

She types in Valentine’s Day party ideas in the Google search bar to see what she can find. Oh recipes! Food! That’s it! First she will look for the type of food that can be served and then she will look for party ideas.

Continue to part 2 – Valentine’s Day 2021 (Part 2)

Start at the beginning – Valentine’s Day 2021 (Part 1)

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