Lost everything
Why did i lose all my extras after having to uninstall and reinstall game??? So it seems lise the money put into because of a clitch that had nothing do with me? Not happy.
Jelly saga game
How can I get my name onto the jelly saga game ? From Johnny waistcoat.
I passed on this level but it is stuck on this level please help
It’s not letting me advance to 2726. This happens every time I try for a new level
It’s not letting me advance to 2726. This happens every time I get to a new level. I’m losing bonus’s and money
Missing 0/7 stars collection
I’m missing 0/7 stars collection on my candy crush screen since few days ago. While my friends still have it. Is this removed? Or is there any changes?
Why am I getting a message about not being able to run WebGL?
And the embedded link to WebGL does not work.
Unlimited play never works
I have been gifted or awarded 120 minutes of unlimited lives 4 different times now. But when I go to play I still only have five regular lives. Why does it keep doing this, and how do I get my unlimited play?
Lost Fishing with Friends after updating game
I beat level 2638, and the game wouldn’t let me advance. Came on the forums and saw that the next levels had just been added in late June, so I updated the game. When I came back to play, the Fishing with Friends challenge was completely gone from the screen. I’m so disappointed, because I had already earned 53 fish. I’m…
Is level 2705 the last level?
Level 1679 'bug'
After releasing the munkling, and it goes to screen 2, there is an issue where I believe there are no moves left and instead on ending or shuffling, it goes back to the first screen where you can't advance anymore.