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That pic in the post above is the same mess I'm getting still today. No problem logging in on my son's account on this same computer. I do feel better that it's not just me that can't log in. From reading other post, several others are experiencing this as well. Any thoughts on how to resolve this issue? Please & Thank you.
G'Day @Rebekah_Demary and @mackeyGirl
I just checked my game and I don't have it there and actually, to tell you the truth, I haven't seen that one before?
A few suggestions have been submitted for review, so you never know, maybe it's reached The Studio (I'm not sure yet) and they could be working on things?
Remember though, that when working on one Tech issue, another may be affected. As soon as I know I'll let you guyz know in the "Top 5" thread.
I think what @headoperations suggested with the pop up blocker is a great suggestion, to start off with though.
I'll also ask @NikolaosProdromidis to see if he's come across this before?