Gift boxes
My gift boxes are not opening when i pass the required levels. They would be helpful the higher i go. I am on 505 now and missed a few boxes. This is the first time writing in about this issue. Reading other questions and comments this was supposed to be fixed 8 pmus months ago. Whst is the issue now? And how do i get the…
I am on level 3203 in candy crush saga is anyone on a higher level
I am on level 3203 in candy crush saga is anyone on a higher level
Candy Crush Saga on facebook
It says to unlock more levels i need to update my browser , i am using chrome and it is updated , if i go to another browser i can play but i want to play it from my facebook on chrome , any ideas?
Elsa - tried to reply and couldn't figure out how! Whatever was wrong is fixed now.
problem with candy crush saga
I was playing candy crush saga I was at level 92, when I went back to play again I was set back to level 52, I also had 41 bars left. I emailed you, you responded by saying you would reset me to the 92 level, offered me 3 stars and 50 bars, wanted to know if I would accept that. I responded back saying I would accept the…
Level 3204 looping bug
Want to report a bug in level 3204. After only one move the level is looping endlessly. It's a rare thing
Facebook Candy Crush Saga
I have the following issues: I don't receive rewards for contests, ranking up, etc. Friends send lives and I am unable to get them (they disappear). The challenges available to others are not offered to me. Please help with these issues.
can not login via facebook on https://king.com/play/candycrush
when i use my facebook username and password on https://king.com/play/candycrush if gives me invalid username or password
Re sync account
I deleted my facebook account. Can I sync the facebook new account and king accounts again? King account: suksaangz@gmail.com Facebook account: oud_xero@hotmail.com (Phanom Suksa-ang)
No new levels beyond 3110 on ipad
My candy crush on my ipad is stuck at level 3110 and there hasn't been an update in a while. Just wondering if it's my ipad's problem or did they not release the new levels beyond 3110 on the ipad yet?